• Bank Regulation and Bank Crisis 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle; Eitrheim, Øyvind (Working Papers;18/2009, Working paper, 2009)
      The Norwegian experiences of the past thirty years illustrate what we believe are two general tendencies in bank regulation. The first one is that a bank crisis will tend to focus regulators' minds and lead to stricter ...
    • Bankenes likviditetssituasjon under finansuroen høsten 2008 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle; Lund, Arild J.; Paulsen, Kenneth Sæterhagen; Sundvall, Nora (Journal article, 2011)
      Etter konkursen i Lehman Brothers 15. september 2008 ble omsetningen i internasjonale pengemarkeder sterkt redusert. Banker i omtrent alle land fikk betydelige problemer med finansieringen av sine porteføljer. Sentralbankene ...
    • Banks as Multioutput Oligopolies: An Empirical Evaluation of the Retail and Corporate Banking Markets 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle; Kim, Moshe (Working Papers;10/1994, Working paper, 1994)
      The distinction between retail and corporate banking markets is of much importance in real life banking organizations. The two markets differ with respect to concentration, the importance of informational asymmetries, and ...
    • Banks’ Liquidity Situation During the Financial Turmoil in Autumn 2008 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle; Lund, Arild J.; Paulsen, Kenneth Sæterhagen; Sundvall, Nora (Journal article, 2012)
      In autumn 2008, many banks encountered considerable difficulties with portfolio funding. This article describes the impact on Norwegian banks. The authors also look at the characteristic features of the banks that faced ...
    • Early Warning Indicators for Norwegian Banks: A Logit Analysis of the Experiences from the Banking Crisis 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle; Hexeberg, Barbro (Working Papers;1/1994, Working paper, 1994)
      Most existing early warning studies for the banking industry are based on U.S. data. The present paper considers the experiences made during the Norwegian banking crisis 1988- 92. The performance of a set of possible early ...
    • Norges Banks kostnader ved kjøp av valuta til Statens pensjonsfond utland 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle (Staff Memo;4/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      Norges Bank har siden Statens pensjonsfond utland (tidligere Statens petroleumsfond) ble opprettet hatt ansvaret for å skaffe den valutaen som hver måned har vært overført til pensjonsfondet. Norges Bank har derfor kjøpt ...
    • Norwegian and International Yields in the 10 Year Segment 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle (Staff Memo;6/2016, Working paper, 2016)
      We investigate the relationship between the Norwegian 10 year Treasury yield and the corresponding yields in the major international markets, using both quarterly and monthly data. We find that the Norwegian yield is highly ...
    • Risikopåslag på bankenes langsiktige innlån 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle; Rakkestad, Ketil Johan; Skjeltorp, Johannes A. (Staff Memo;1/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Banksektoren finansierer en stor del av sin balanse med innlån fra markedet. Slike innlån består av innskudd og innlån fra andre kredittinstitusjoner og Norges Bank, utstedelse av banksertifikater og bankobligasjoner, og ...
    • Systemic Surcharges and Measures of Systemic Importance 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle (Staff Memo;12/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      There is an emerging consensus that systemically important banks should face stricter regulations and systemic surcharges. To make this latter principle operational we need to quantify the systemic importance of individual ...
    • Særskatt på finansinstitusjoner og avgifter til sikringsfond 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle (Journal article, 2010)
      I kjølvannet av finanskrisen er det kommet mange forslag til nye skatter for finansnæringen. Motivene springer i stor grad ut fra den aktuelle situasjonen. I denne artikkelen ser vi på det faglige grunnlaget for noen av ...
    • The Declining Deposit to Loan Ratio - What Can the Banks Do? 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle (Staff Memo;28/2012, Working paper, 2012)
      We have been exploring possible explanations for the strong decline in the ratio between bank deposits held by the non-financial sector in Norway, and the bank loans taken by the same sector. We have followed two different ...
    • The Dynamics of Operating Income in the Norwegian Banking Sector 

      Andersen, Henrik; Berg, Sigbjørn Atle; Jansen, Eilev S. (Working Papers;13/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      The banking literature contains only a handful of studies of how bank revenues vary over the business cycle, and nearly all of these studies look exclusively on the net interest margin. The general conclusion has been that ...
    • Two Essays on the Magic Number 4 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle; Vonen, Nikka Husom (Staff Memo;2/2011, Working paper, 2011)
    • Virkelig verdi i regnskapet 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle (Journal article, 2009)
      Internasjonale regnskapsregler (International Financial Reporting Standards – IFRS) krever at finansinstitusjonenes omløpsmidler verdsettes til virkelig verdi eller markedsverdi. Omløpsmidlene vil i hovedsak bestå av de ...
    • What Is a Useful Central Bank? 

      Aziz, Zeti Akhtar; Bordo, Michael D.; Fischer, Stanley; Gjedrem, Svein; Hildebrand, Philipp M.; Ingves, Stefan; Qvigstad, Jan F.; Svensson, Lars E. O.; Toniolo, Gianni; Turner, Philip (Occasional Papers;42, Book, 2011)