• The consumption expenditure response to unemployment: evidence from Norwegian households 

      Fagereng, Andreas; Onshuus, Helene; Torstensen, Kjersti N. (Working paper;6/2024, Working paper, 2024)
      We use detailed Norwegian administrative data to identify the income loss associated with the onset of unemployment and analyze the corresponding consumption expenditure response and the extent to which this response is ...
    • Debt and Household Consumption Responses 

      Fagereng, Andreas; Halvorsen, Elin (Staff Memo;1/2016, Working paper, 2016)
      Norwegian households’ levels of housing wealth have since the banking crisis of the 90s become an ever more dominant part of households’ portfolios. Low interest rates and easy access to mortgages have contributed to both ...
    • How does monetary policy affect household indebtedness? 

      Fagereng, Andreas; Gulbrandsen, Magnus A. H.; Holm, Martin B.; Natvik, Gisle J. (Working Paper;5/2021, Working paper, 2021)
      Households’ debt-to-income ratios change due to (a) primary deficits or (b) "Fisher effects" from interest costs, income growth, and inflation. With Norwegian micro data, we estimate how monetary policy affects household ...