Blar i Norges Banks vitenarkiv på forfatter "Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro"
A Suite-Of-Models Approach to Stress-Testing Financial Stability
Andersen, Henrik; Berge, Tor Oddvar; Bernhardsen, Eivind; Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Staff Memo;2/2008, Working paper, 2008)This paper presents a suite of models developed to stress-test financial stability. A macro model is linked to micro data-based models for households, firms and banks. The macro model includes credit- and consumer ... -
Bankenes etterspørsel og kredittpraksis siden 2008 : Resultater fra Norges Banks utlånsundersøkelse
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Mundal, Olav M.K.; Riiser, Magdalena D.; Solheim, Haakon (Staff Memo;17/2016, Working paper, 2016)Artikkelen presenterer utviklingen i etterspørsel etter kreditt og kredittpraksis fra norske banker siden 2008, slik de er representert i Norges Banks utlånsundersøkelse. Norske banker har rapportert om en betydelig ... -
Banks’ Buffer Capital: How Important Is Risk?
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro (Working Papers;11/2003, Working paper, 2003)Most banks hold a capital to asset ratio well above the required minimum defined by the present capital adequacy regulation (Basel I). Using bank-level panel data from Norway, important hypotheses concerning the determination ... -
Betalingsevne og boligkjøpekraft blant husholdninger som ikke eier bolig
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Staff Memo;9/2023, Working paper, 2023)Husholdninger som ikke eier egen bolig, utgjør om lag en fjerdedel av alle husholdningene. De holder bare 7 prosent av husholdningenes gjeld, men mye av dette er gjeld uten sikkerhet. Vi finner at denne gruppen har lite ... -
Boligmarkedet i pandemiåret 2020
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Mæhlum, Sverre; Vatne, Bjørn Helge; Wold, Ella Getz (Staff Memo;6/2021, Working paper, 2021)Til tross for pandemien var boligprisveksten høy gjennom store deler av 2020. Lavere utlånsrenter, endringer i boligpreferanser og begrenset tilbud av nye boliger har bidratt til økt prispress, især i Oslo. Våre analyser ... -
Decomposition of the Increase in Household Debt
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Economic Commentaries;6/2017, Others, 2017)Average debt among Norwegian households has increased substantially over time. A decomposition analysis shows that debt growth to a great extent reflects higher incomes and higher house values. For homeowners, debt growth ... -
Dekomponering av økningen i husholdningenes gjeld
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Aktuell Kommentar;6/2017, Others, 2017)Gjennomsnittsgjelden blant norske husholdninger har økt betydelig over tid. En dekomponering av gjeldsveksten viser at dette i stor grad gjenspeiler økt inntekt og økte boligverdier. For boligeiere har gjeldsveksten også ... -
Evaluation of Macroeconomic Models for Financial Stability Analysis
Bårdsen, Gunnar; Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Tsomocos, Dimitrios P. (Working Papers;1/2006, Working paper, 2006)As financial stability has gained focus in economic policymaking, the demand for analyses of financial stability and the consequences of economic policy has increased. Alternative macroeconomic models are available for ... -
Getting a Foot on the Housing Ladder: The Role of Parents in Giving a Leg-Up
Halvorsen, Elin; Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro (Working Papers;19/2017, Working paper, 2017)In this paper we question whether parental resources are important for first-time buyers? We find a nuanced set of results. First, when parents help out financially, it clearly increases the probability of entering the ... -
High Debt in Norwegian Households and the Risk of a Substantial Cutback in Consumption
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Staff Memo;19/2016, Working paper, 2016)On average, Norwegian households are highly indebted and their wealth is concentrated in housing. Changes in income, interest rates or house prices may cause significant adjustments in saving and consumption. This paper ... -
Household Debt and Links to the Housing Market - Consequences for Financial Stability
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Economic Commentaries;7/2017, Others, 2017)Household debt in Norway has risen faster than income for a long period. The debt level is high both historically and compared with other countries and is considered to be the most important source of vulnerability in the ... -
Husholdningenes gjeld og koplinger til boligmarkedet - konsekvenser for finansiell stabilitet
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Aktuell Kommentar;7/2017, Others, 2017)Gjelden til norske husholdninger har vokst raskere enn inntektene over en lang periode. Gjeldsnivået er høyt både historisk og sammenliknet med andre land, og vurderes som den viktigste sårbarheten i det norske finansielle ... -
Measuring and Predicting Household Housing Wealth
Berge, Tor Oddvar; Boye, Katrine Godding; Jacobsen, Dag Henning; Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Skjæveland, Marita (Staff Memo;4/2006, Working paper, 2006)At Norges Bank, a small model has been developed, which includes estimated equations for the two variables that ultimately determine developments in household housing wealth, namely house prices and housing investment. In ... -
Norske boligeiere har god gjeldsbetjeningsevne
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Staff Memo;8/2022, Working paper, 2022)Gjeldsbetjeningsevne handler om å ha midler til å dekke utgifter til livsopphold og kostnader knyttet til å betjene lån. Vi bruker opplysninger på husholdningsnivå til å beregne et anslag på normale utgifter til livsopphold ... -
Norwegian homeowners’ debt-servicing capacity is adequate
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Staff Memo;8/2022, Working paper, 2022)Debt-servicing capacity is a function of both available cash flow and the size of obligatory expenses. We use household level information to calculate normal expenses that cover food, other general consumption, electricity ... -
Pursuing Financial Stability Under an Inflation-Targeting Regime
Akram, Q. Farooq; Bårdsen, Gunnar; Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro (Working Papers;8/2006, Working paper, 2006)We evaluate two main views on pursuing financial stability within a flexible inflation-targeting regime. It appears that potential gains from an activist or precautionary approach to promoting financial stability are highly ... -
Regulering av boliglån – effekter på kreditt og boligpriser
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Riiser, Magdalena D. (Aktuell kommentar;3/2018, Others, 2018)Internasjonale analyser finner at reguleringstiltak rettet mot boliglån kan bidra til å dempe veksten i boligpriser og kreditt, men resultatene spriker noe med hensyn på hvilke tiltak som virker og hvor effektive de er. ... -
Sustainable Household Debt : Towards an Operational View and Framework
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro (Staff Memo;33/2012, Working paper, 2012)From a broad financial stability perspective, sustainable household debt should be evaluated within a steady-state consumption-path approach. We calculate measures for households’ steady-state consumption based on average ... -
Ten Years of Household Micro Data. What Have We Learned?
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Riiser, Magdalena D.; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Staff Memo;8/2014, Working paper, 2014)Administrative register data for Norwegian households are used to analyse the distribution of debt and assets by income, wealth and age group. We find that the cross-sectional distribution is skewed. The distribution of ... -
The Effect of New Technology in Payment Services on Banks' Intermediation
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro (Working Papers;6/2002, Working paper, 2002)In many countries, payment services in banking have shifted from paper-based giro and cheque payments to electronic giro and debit card payments. This paper analyses the effect of this change in payment technology within ...