Now showing items 41-60 of 370

    • Change in the Organisation of the Supply of Notes and Coins – Establishment of the Limited Company Norsk Kontantservice AS (NOKAS) 

      Eklund, Trond; Veggum, Leif (Journal article, 2002)
      During the past two years, major changes have been made in the organisation of the supply of notes and coins in Norway. The changes are a result of developments in the distribution network since the late 1980s, which have ...
    • Clearing and Settlement at Norges Bank – a Historical Review 

      Haare, Harald (Journal article, 2007)
      The Norwegian payment system processes more than three million payment transactions every day. On some days the number of transactions can be far higher. The transactions are cleared and settled in the Norwegian payment ...
    • Coin Issue to Mark Ibsen Year 

      Unknown author (Journal article, 2006)
    • Collateral for Loans from Norges Bank - New Rules 

      Bakke, Bjørn; Tretvoll, Håkon (Journal article, 2006)
      Norges Bank extends loans to banks against collateral in the form of securities. These loans are provided in connection with payment settlement and the implementation of monetary policy. Since the bond market in Norway is ...
    • Collateral for Loans from Norges Bank – Consequences of Changes in the Rules 

      Bakke, Bjørn; Sandal, Knut; Solberg, Ingrid (Journal article, 2008)
      Norges Bank requires collateral for all lending to banks. Collateral is provided in the form of securities which are pledged to Norges Bank. The list of eligible securities was changed in 2005. The aim of the changes has ...
    • Commemorative 20-Krone Coin 2000 

      Unknown author (Journal article, 2000)
    • Commemorative Coin to Mark the New Millennium 

      Unknown author (Journal article, 1999)
    • Comparing Norwegian Banks’ Capital Ratios 

      Andersen, Henrik (Journal article, 2011)
      The use of different approaches makes it difficult to compare the banks’ reported capital ratios. To improve the basis for comparing banks’ financial strength, in this article the same approach is employed to calculate ...
    • Continuous Linked Settlement - valuta for pengene 

      Andresen, Ingrid; Bakke, Bjørn (Journal article, 2004)
      Valutaoppgjørssystemet CLS ble satt i drift høsten 2002 for oppgjør av handler i verdens syv største valutaer, og inkluderer fra høsten 2003 også norske kroner. CLS introduserer «payment versus payment» i valutaoppgjøret ...
    • Corporate governance – i et nøtteskall 

      Eckbo, B. Espen (Journal article, 2006)
      Artikkelen gir en kort historisk oversikt over sentrale temaer innen dagens corporate governance-debatt, med fokus spesielt på USA og Europa. Behovet for beskyttelse av minoritetsaksjonærenes interesser fremheves, og det ...
    • Costs in the Payment System 

      Gresvik, Olaf; Haare, Harald (Journal article, 2009)
      This article presents the estimated costs in 2007 of the use and production of the most common Norwegian payment services: payment cards, giros and cash. The social cost of using and producing payment services was NOK 11 ...
    • CSAs – Regulating Counterparty Risk Through the Use of Collateral Payments 

      Molland, Jermund (Journal article, 2011)
      Counterparty risk associated with trading in financial instruments can be substantial. This applies especially to certain types of derivatives trades with long-dated contracts. The most common way to mitigate this risk for ...
    • Currency Hedging in Norwegian Non-Financial Firms 

      Børsum, Øystein G.; Ødegaard, Bernt Arne (Journal article, 2005)
      Fluctuations in global foreign exchange markets in recent years have again shown that many Norwegian enterprises are sensitive to changes in exchange rates, in both a positive and negative sense. The question naturally ...
    • Deflasjon? 

      Claussen, Carl Andreas; Hagelund, Kåre (Journal article, 2003)
      Faren for deflasjon har fått fornyet aktualitet internasjonalt i det siste. Artikkelen drøfter hvordan deflasjon oppstår, og hvilke politikkalternativer som da foreligger. Risikoen for global deflasjon synes nokså begrenset.
    • Den nøytrale realrenten 

      Bernhardsen, Tom; Gerdrup, Karsten R. (Journal article, 2006)
      Begrepet «nøytral realrente» assosieres gjerne med det nivået på realrenten som innebærer at pengepolitikken verken er ekspansiv eller kontraktiv. I artikkelen ser forfatterne nærmere på hvordan den nøytrale realrenten i ...
    • Destruction of Banknotes Outside the Central Bank 

      Veggum, Leif; Natvig, Peder (Journal article, 2003)
      Developments in Norges Bank’s cash handling services for banks in the 1980s and 1990s led to a need for a clearer distinction between central bank responsibilities and commercial services for banks. As a result, Norsk ...
    • Det amerikanske miraklet - heldige omstendigheter eller "ny økonomi"? 

      Claussen, Carl Andreas (Journal article, 1999)
      Artikkelen tar for seg den økonomiske utviklingen i USA på 1990-tallet og drøfter drivkreftene bak veksten, særtrekk ved 1990-tallet og mulige forklaringer på disse.
    • Det europeiske verdipapirmarkedets infrastruktur i støpeskjeen 

      Weme, Sindre; Axelsen, Kristine Andenæs (Journal article, 2001)
      Deregulering av kapitalmarkedene, rask utvikling av data- og informasjonsteknologi og innføring av euro har ført til økt integrasjon av verdipapirmarkedene i Europa. En sentralisering av infrastrukturenheter som børser og ...
    • Developments in the Credit Market – New Types of Loans and the Volume of Fixed-Rate Loans in Norway 

      Almklov, Gunnar; Tørum, Espen; Skjæveland, Marita (Journal article, 2007)
      This article describes developments in various types of loans from financial institutions1 and the volume of loans with a fixed-rate period, i.e. fixed-rate loans. In recent years, the credit market has evolved rapidly. ...