Historical Monetary Statistics for Norway – Part II
In the fall of 2004 Norges Bank published the first volume in its series on Historical Monetary Statistics for Norway reporting the construction of consistent historical time series for a set of key macroeconomic variables for Norway. The aim of the project has been to stimulate research in the area of monetary history, and to foster empirical analysis of long runs of time series data. The first volume covered historical consumer prices, monetary aggregates, bond yields, exchange rates, stock and housing prices, as well as real GDP and main demand components. The time span covered by this book was mainly between 1819–2003. In addition to the voluminous documentation of data, the book also discussed some of the methodological issues involved in constructing historical time series spanning long periods of time, as well as some of the institutional aspects of financial markets in Norway during that period. With the publication of this volume, Norges Bank completes its project of collecting and systematizing historical data of relevance for price stability and financial stability. The data series presented in this volume are complementary to the historical time series published in the first volume, a fact which is reflected in the name of the second volume. It has been the explicit purpose of the project to enhance the availability and to facilitate the use of historical data for economic research and analysis.
Has parts
Preface : by Øyvind Eitrheim; Jan T. Klovland; Jan F. QvigstadChapter 1. Short term interest rates in Norway 1818–2007 : by Øyvind Eitrheim; Jan T. Klovland
Chapter 2. A reconstruction of the balance sheets of savings banks in Norway 1822–1875 : by Jan T. Klovland
Chapter 3. A reconstruction of the balance sheets of commercial banks in Norway 1848–1900 : by Jan T. Klovland
Chapter 4. Professor Dr. Ingvar B.Wedervang’s Historical Archive on Wages and Prices : by Ola H. Grytten
Chapter 5. Nominal wages in Norway 1726–1940 by occupation : by Ola H. Grytten
Chapter 6. Norwegian wages 1726–2006 classified by industry : by Ola H. Grytten
Chapter 7. Historical Monetary Statistics for Norway - some cross checks of the new data : by Øyvind Eitrheim; Ola H. Grytten; Jan T. Klovland