Historical Monetary Statistics for Norway 1819–2003
Eitrheim, Øyvind; Erlandsen, Solveig K.; Gerdrup, Karsten R.; Grytten, Ola Honningdal; Holter, Jon Petter; Klovland, Jan Tore; Qvigstad, Jan F.
This book presents historical data on a (small) number of macroeconomic variables relevant to monetary policy analysis for the period 1819-2003. The motivation of the project is to enhance our understanding of the long lines of developments in two areas of utmost importance to central banks - those of fostering price stability and financial stability. Norges Bank aims at stabilizing consumer price inflation at 2.5 per cent within a flexible inflation targeting regime. The promotion of financial stability aims at analyzing and identifying factors that foster sound financial developments through the monitoring of economic developments in the household sector and the corporate sector as well as for banks and other financial intermediaries.
Has parts
Preface : by Øyvind Eitrheim; Jan T. Klovland; Jan F. QvigstadChapter 1. Introduction : by Øyvind Eitrheim; Jan T. Klovland; Jan F. Qvigstad
Chapter 2. A historical perspective on monetary statistics in Norway : by Jon P. Holter
Chapter 3. A Consumer Price Index for Norway 1516-2003 : by Ola H. Grytten
Chapter 4. Bond markets and bond yields in Norway 1820-2003 : by Jan T. Klovland
Chapter 5. Monetary aggregates in Norway 1819-2003 : by Jan T. Klovland
Chapter 6. The gross domestic product for Norway 1830-2003 : by Ola H. Grytten
Chapter 7. Historical exchange rate data 1819-2003 : by Jan T. Klovland
Chapter 8. Historical stock price indices in Norway 1914-2003 : by Jan T. Klovland
Chapter 9. House price indices for Norway 1819-2003 : by Øyvind Eitrheim; Solveig K. Erlandsen
Chapter 10. Credit, banking and monetary developments in Norway 1819-2003 : by Øyvind Eitrheim, Karsten Gerdrup; Jan T. Klovland