Browsing Forvalterperspektiver / Asset manager perspectives by Title
Now showing items 12-15 of 15
The Listings Ecosystem : Aligning incentives
(Asset Manager Perspective;1/2016, Others, 2016)Companies deciding to go public enjoy a number of advantages that complement the original intention of their founders’ capital raising and risk-sharing needs. These include improved liquidity, transparency and visibility. ... -
The Role of Last Look in Foreign Exchange Markets
(Asset Manager Perspective;3/2015, Others, 2015)Last Look is a unique feature of foreign exchange (FX) markets that gives liquidity providers the option to reject orders received from liquidity takers in response to the provider’s quote. This feature is effective in ... -
The Role of Securities Lending in Well-Functioning Markets
(Asset Manager Perspective;2/2016, Others, 2016)Securities lending markets contribute to well-functioning markets in important ways. The main vector for this contribution is that lending markets aid in efficient price discovery for assets. Asymmetries in the ability of ... -
The Sustainable Development Goals and the Government Pension Fund Global
(Asset Manager Perspective;1/2018, Others, 2018)The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out an ambitious policy agenda to achieve sustainable economic, social and environmental development by 2030. As a long-term and global owner, the Government Pension Fund ...