Now showing items 140-159 of 1427

    • Change in the Organisation of the Supply of Notes and Coins – Establishment of the Limited Company Norsk Kontantservice AS (NOKAS) 

      Eklund, Trond; Veggum, Leif (Journal article, 2002)
      During the past two years, major changes have been made in the organisation of the supply of notes and coins in Norway. The changes are a result of developments in the distribution network since the late 1980s, which have ...
    • Changes in Norges Bank’s Role and Activities in Cash Supply and Distribution 

      Eklund, Trond; Nygård, Svein; Veggum, Leif (Staff Memo;9/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      Norges Bank has made considerable changes in its role and activities in cash supply and distribution since the turn of the century, with the aim of enhancing efficiency in cash distribution and the payment system as a ...
    • Changing Supply Elasticities and Regional Housing Booms 

      Aastveit, Knut Are; Albuquerque, Bruno; Anundsen, André (Working Paper;8/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      Recent developments in US house prices mirror those of the 1996-2006 boom, but the recovery in construction activity has been weak. Using data for 254 US metropolitan areas, we show hat housing supply elasticities have ...
    • Clearing and Settlement at Norges Bank – a Historical Review 

      Haare, Harald (Journal article, 2007)
      The Norwegian payment system processes more than three million payment transactions every day. On some days the number of transactions can be far higher. The transactions are cleared and settled in the Norwegian payment ...
    • Clearingen i Norges Bank 

      Haare, Harald (Staff Memo;22/2012, Working paper, 2012)
      I dag benyttes begrepet ”clearing” ofte om avregning av betalinger og handel i verdipapirer og derivater. De beløp aktørene skylder og har til gode mot hverandre regnes til en nettoposisjon for hver enkelt aktør, som så ...
    • Climate risk and commodity currencies 

      Kapfhammer, Felix; Larsen, Vegard H.; Thorsrud, Leif Anders (Working Paper;18/2020, Working paper, 2020)
      The positive relationship between real exchange rates and natural resource income is well understood and studied. However, climate change and the transition to a lower-carbon economy now challenges this relationship. We ...
    • Coin Issue to Mark Ibsen Year 

      Unknown author (Journal article, 2006)
    • Collateral and Repeated Lending 

      Karapetyan, Artashes; Stacescu, Bogdan (Working Papers;18/2012, Working paper, 2012)
      Lending is often associated with significant asymmetric information issues between suppliers of funds and their potential borrowers. Banks can screen their borrowers, or can require them to post collateral in order to ...
    • Collateral Damaged? Priority Structure, Credit Supply, and Firm Performance 

      Cerqueiro, Geraldo; Ongena, Steven; Roszbach, Kasper (Working Paper;9/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      A unique legal reform in 2004 in Sweden redistributed collateral rights from banks holding floating liens to unsecured creditors without changing the value of assets on firms’ balance sheets. Using a country-wide panel of ...
    • Collateral for Loans from Norges Bank - New Rules 

      Bakke, Bjørn; Tretvoll, Håkon (Journal article, 2006)
      Norges Bank extends loans to banks against collateral in the form of securities. These loans are provided in connection with payment settlement and the implementation of monetary policy. Since the bond market in Norway is ...
    • Collateral for Loans from Norges Bank – Consequences of Changes in the Rules 

      Bakke, Bjørn; Sandal, Knut; Solberg, Ingrid (Journal article, 2008)
      Norges Bank requires collateral for all lending to banks. Collateral is provided in the form of securities which are pledged to Norges Bank. The list of eligible securities was changed in 2005. The aim of the changes has ...
    • Collective Economic Decisions and the Discursive Dilemma 

      Claussen, Carl Andreas; Røisland, Øistein (Working Papers;3/2005, Working paper, 2005)
      Most economic decisions involve judgments. When decisions are taken collectively, various judgment aggregation problems may occur. Here we consider an aggregation problem called the discursive dilemma , which is characterized ...
    • Combination Schemes for Turning Point Predictions 

      Billio, Monica; Casarin, Roberto; Ravazzolo, Francesco; van Dijk, Herman K. (Working Papers;4/2012, Working paper, 2012)
      We propose new forecast combination schemes for predicting turning points of business cycles. The combination schemes deal with the forecasting performance of a given set of models and possibly providing better turning ...
    • Combined Density Nowcasting in an Uncertain Economic Environment 

      Aastveit, Knut Are; Ravazzolo, Francesco; van Dijk, Herman K. (Working Papers;17/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      We introduce a Combined Density Nowcasting (CDN) approach to Dynamic Factor Models (DFM) that in a coherent way accounts for time-varying uncertainty of several model and data features in order to provide more accurate and ...
    • Combining Forecast Densities from VARs with Uncertain Instabilities 

      Jore, Anne Sofie; Mitchell, James; Vahey, Shaun P. (Working Papers;1/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      Clark and McCracken (2008) argue that combining real-time point forecasts from VARs of output, prices and interest rates improves point forecast accuracy in the presence of uncertain model instabilities. In this paper, we ...
    • Combining Inflation Density Forecasts 

      Kascha, Christian; Ravazzolo, Francesco (Working Papers;22/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      In this paper, we empirically evaluate competing approaches for combining inflation density forecasts in terms of Kullback-Leibler divergence. In particular, we apply a similar suite of models to four different data sets ...
    • Combining Predictive Densities Using Bayesian Filtering with Applications to Us Economics Data 

      Billio, Monica; Casarin, Roberto; Ravazzolo, Francesco; van Dijk, Herman K. (Working Papers;29/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      Using a Bayesian framework this paper provides a multivariate combination approach to prediction based on a distributional state space representation of predictive densities from alternative models. In the proposed approach ...
    • Combining VAR and DSGE Forecast Densities 

      Bache, Ida Wolden; Jore, Anne Sofie; Mitchell, James; Vahey, Shaun P. (Working Papers;23/2009, Working paper, 2009)
      A popular macroeconomic forecasting strategy takes combinations across many models to hedge against instabilities of unknown timing; see (among others) Stock and Watson (2004), Clark and McCracken (2010), and Jore et al. ...
    • Commemorative 20-Krone Coin 2000 

      Unknown author (Journal article, 2000)
    • Commemorative Coin to Mark the New Millennium 

      Unknown author (Journal article, 1999)