Now showing items 160-179 of 1427

    • Commercial Real Estate in Norway 

      Hagen, Marius (Economic Commentaries;6/2016, Others, 2016)
      Norwegian banks' corporate loan exposure is highest in the commercial real estate market. Over the past 40 years, lending to the commercial real estate sector has played an important role in causing bank losses. Commercial ...
    • The commercial real estate market - no longer a “black box” 

      Bjørland, Christian; Hjelseth, Ida Nervik; Mulelid, John Henrik; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Staff Memo;6/2022, Working paper, 2022)
      Norwegian banks’ exposure to commercial real estate (CRE) is substantial. Historically, banks in Norway and in other countries have incurred considerable losses on loans to this sector during financial crises. Publicly ...
    • Commodity Prices, Interest Rates and the Dollar 

      Akram, Q. Farooq (Working Papers;12/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      We investigate whether a decline in real interest rates and the US dollar contribute to higher commodity prices, and whether commodity prices tend to display overshooting behavior in response to changes in especially real ...
    • Communicating Monetary Policy Intentions: The Case of Norges Bank 

      Holmsen, Amund; Qvigstad, Jan F.; Røisland, Øistein; Solberg-Johansen, Kristin (Working Papers;20/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      Monetary policy works mainly through private agents’ expectations. How precisely future policy intentions are communicated has, according to theory, implications for the outcome of monetary policy. Norges Bank has gone ...
    • Comparing Behavioural Heterogeneity Across Asset Classes 

      Hommes, Cars H.; Zwinkels, Remco C.J.; ter Ellen, Saskia (Working Papers;12/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      We estimate a generic agent-based model in which agents have heterogeneous beliefs about the future price to see to what extent behaviour differs across assets, and what this implies for market stability. We find evidence ...
    • Comparing Monetary Policy Transparency. The Eijffinger and Geraats Index - a Comment 

      Claussen, Carl Andreas (Staff Memo;10/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      There is by now a large volume of literature on central bank transparency and communication. One branch of this literature compares transparency across central banks and over time. Recent contributions in this vein are ...
    • Comparing Norwegian Banks’ Capital Ratios 

      Andersen, Henrik (Journal article, 2011)
      The use of different approaches makes it difficult to compare the banks’ reported capital ratios. To improve the basis for comparing banks’ financial strength, in this article the same approach is employed to calculate ...
    • Competitiveness and Regulation of Norwegian Banks 

      Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene; Vale, Bent; Grindaker, Morten Haabeth; Skancke, Erling (Staff Memo;18/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      This report looks at the competitiveness of the Norwegian banking sector, in particular with respect to banking regulation and taxation. How do Norwegian banks perform relative to other European banks and relative to other ...
    • Components of Uncertainty 

      Larsen, Vegard Høghaug (Working Papers;5/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      Uncertainty is acknowledged to be a source of economic fluctuations. But, does the type of uncertainty matter for the economy's response to an uncertainty shock? This paper offers a novel identification strategy to disentangle ...
    • Computing the Distribution: Adaptive Finite Volume Methods for Economic Models with Heterogeneous Agents 

      Ahn, SeHyoun (Working Paper;10/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      Solving economic models with heterogenous agents requires computing aggregate dynamics consistent with individual behaviors. This paper introduces the finite volume method from the mathe-matics literature to enlarge the set ...
    • Conditional Forecasting with DSGE Models - a Conditional Copula Approach 

      Paulsen, Kenneth Sæterhagen (Working Papers;4/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      DSGE models may be misspecified in many dimensions, which can affect their forecasting performance. To correct for these misspecifications we can apply conditional information from other models or judgment. Conditional ...
    • Conditional Forecasts in DSGE Models 

      Maih, Junior (Working Papers;7/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      New-generation DSGE models are sometimes misspecified in dimensions that matter for their forecasting performance. The paper suggests one way to improve the forecasts of a DSGE model using a conditioning information that ...
    • Consequences of an Abrupt Slowdown in China’s Property Market 

      Slettvåg, Bjørnar K. (Economic Commentaries;5/2014, Others, 2014)
      The Chinese property market probably poses one of the greatest downside risks to the global economy in 2014. Construction starts this spring were 20 percent lower than at the same time last year. At the same time, the stock ...
    • Consumption and Population Age Structure 

      Erlandsen, Solveig K.; Nymoen, Ragnar (Working Papers;22/2004, Working paper, 2004)
      In this paper the effects on aggregate consumption of changes in the age distribution of the population are analysed empirically. Economic theories predict that age influences individuals’ saving and consumption behaviour. ...
    • Contingent Convertible Bonds (Cocos) Issued by European Banks 

      Nordal, Kjell Bjørn; Stefano, Nicolas (Staff Memo;19/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      During the recent global financial crisis, numerous banking institutions faced acute capital strain. In order to support banking sectors, many governments stepped in and propped up financial institutions, often at the ...
    • Continuous Linked Settlement - valuta for pengene 

      Andresen, Ingrid; Bakke, Bjørn (Journal article, 2004)
      Valutaoppgjørssystemet CLS ble satt i drift høsten 2002 for oppgjør av handler i verdens syv største valutaer, og inkluderer fra høsten 2003 også norske kroner. CLS introduserer «payment versus payment» i valutaoppgjøret ...
    • Contributions to a History of Prices in Norway: Monthly Price Indices, 1777-1920 

      Klovland, Jan Tore (Working Papers;23/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      This study reports the outcome of an effort to collect market price data for Norway with a view to constructing monthly price indices from the year 1777 to 1920. The material covers data on commodity prices from agriculture, ...
    • Coordination, Fair Treatment and Inflation Persistence 

      Driscoll, John C.; Holden, Steinar (Working Papers;15/2002, Working paper, 2002)
      Most wage-contracting models with rational expectations fail to replicate the persistence in inflation observed in the data. We argue that coordination problems and multiple equilibria are the keys to explaining inflation ...
    • Corporate governance – i et nøtteskall 

      Eckbo, B. Espen (Journal article, 2006)
      Artikkelen gir en kort historisk oversikt over sentrale temaer innen dagens corporate governance-debatt, med fokus spesielt på USA og Europa. Behovet for beskyttelse av minoritetsaksjonærenes interesser fremheves, og det ...