Now showing items 411-430 of 1427

    • Flexible Inflation Targeting 

      Bergo, Jarle (Journal article, 2004)
      With the introduction of a new mandate for monetary policy on 29 March 2001, Norges Bank was given responsibility for ensuring low and stable inflation. Monetary policy shall also contribute to stabilising output and ...
    • Flexible Inflation Targeting and Financial Stability: Is It Enough to Stabilise Inflation and Output? 

      Akram, Q. Farooq; Eitrheim, Øyvind (Working Papers;7/2006, Working paper, 2006)
      We investigate empirically whether a central bank can promote financial stability by stabilizing inflation and output, and whether additional stabilization of asset prices and credit growth would enhance financial stability ...
    • Fonderte pensjoner og verdipapirmarkeder. Hvilken rolle spiller institusjonelle investorer i verdipapirmarkedene? 

      Grønvik, Gunnvald (Staff Memo;8/2005, Working paper, 2005)
      Fondering av pensjoner innebærer premieinnbetalinger fra de yrkesaktive som akkumuleres som kapital i et fond. Dette fondet tæres det på når pensjoner utbetales. For å redusere kostnadene eller øke pensjonene søkes kapitalen ...
    • Forbearance Patterns in the Post-Crisis Period 

      Bergant, Katharina; Kockerols, Thore (Working Paper;11/2018, Working paper, 2018)
      Using supervisory loan-level data on corporate loans, we show that banks facing high levels of non-performing loans relative to their capital and provisions were more likely to grant forbearance measures to the riskiest ...
    • Forecast Accuracy and Economic Gains from Bayesian Model Averaging Using Time Varying Weight 

      Hoogerheide, Lennart; Kleijn, Richard; Ravazzolo, Francesco; van Dijk, Herman K.; Verbeek, Marno (Working Papers;10/2009, Working paper, 2009)
      Several Bayesian model combination schemes, including some novel approaches that simultaneously allow for parameter uncertainty, model uncertainty and robust time varying model weights, are compared in terms of forecast ...
    • Forecast Densities for Economic Aggregates from Disaggregate Ensembles 

      Ravazzolo, Francesco; Vahey, Shaun P. (Working Papers;2/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      We propose a methodology for producing forecast densities for economic aggregates based on disaggregate evidence. Our ensemble predictive methodology utilizes a linear mixture of experts framework to combine the forecast ...
    • Forecast Density Combinations of Dynamic Models and Data Driven Portfolio Strategies 

      Basturk, Nalan; Borowska, Agnieszka; Grassi, Stefano; Hoogerheide, Lennart; van Dijk, Herman K. (Working Paper;10/2018, Working paper, 2018)
      A dynamic asset-allocation model is specified in probabilistic terms as a combination of return distributions resulting from multiple pairs of dynamic models and portfolio strategies based on momentum patterns in US industry ...
    • Forecast Density Combinations with Dynamic Learning for Large Data Sets in Economics and Finance 

      Casarin, Roberto; Grassi, Stefano; Ravazzolo, Francesco; van Dijk, Herman K. (Working Paper;7/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      A flexible forecast density combination approach is introduced that can deal with large data sets. It extends the mixture of experts approach by allowing for model set incompleteness and dynamic learning of combination ...
    • Forecast Uncertainty in the Neighborhood of the Effective Lower Bound: How Much Asymmetry Should We Expect? 

      Binning, Andrew; Maih, Junior (Working Papers;13/2016, Working paper, 2016)
      The lower bound on interest rates has restricted the impact of conventional monetary policies over recent years and could continue to do so in the near future, with the decline in natural real rates not predicted to reverse ...
    • Forecasting Cash Use in Legal and Illegal Activities 

      Humphrey, David B.; Kaloudis, Aris; Øwre, Grete (Working Papers;14/2000, Working paper, 2000)
      A general econometric model is developed and used to estimate the share of cash in consumer point-of-sale transactions in Norway over 1980-99. The share of cash fell from 90% during the 1980s to 50% in 1999, primarily due ...
    • Forecasting Commodity Currencies: The Role of Fundamentals with Short-Lived Predictive Content 

      Foroni, Claudia; Ravazzolo, Francesco; Ribeiro, Pinho J. (Working Papers;14/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      Recent evidence highlights that commodity price changes exhibit a short-lived, yet robust contemporaneous effect on commodity currencies, which is mainly detectable in daily-frequency data. We use MIDAS models in a Bayesian ...
    • Forecasting Demand for Various Denominations of Notes and Coins Using Error Correction Models 

      Vale, Bent (Staff Memo;1/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      In this paper we present a set of error correction models in order to forecast separately the change in demand for each of the notes and coins issued by Norges Bank. Such forecasts can play a role in planning how many new ...
    • Forecasting GDP with Global Components. This Time Is Different 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Ravazzolo, Francesco; Thorsrud, Leif Anders (Working Papers;5/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      A long strand of literature has shown that the world has become more global. Yet, the recent Great Global Recession turned out to be hard to predict, with forecasters across the world committing large forecast errors. We ...
    • Forecasting in Norges Bank 

      Kloster, Arne; Solberg-Johansen, Kristin (Journal article, 2006)
      Norges Bank’s forecasts of economic developments form an important part of the basis for monetary policy. The projections of economic variables and Norges Bank’s interest rate forecast are interdependent. Current information ...
    • Forecasting Inflation with an Uncertain Output Gap 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Brubakk, Leif; Jore, Anne Sofie (Working Papers;2/2006, Working paper, 2006)
      The output gap is a crucial concept in the monetary policy framework, indicating demand pressure that generates inflation. However, its definition and estimation raise a number of theoretical and empirical questions. This ...
    • Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables Using Disaggregate Survey Data 

      Martinsen, Kjetil; Ravazzolo, Francesco; Wulfsberg, Fredrik (Working Papers;4/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      We assess the forecast ability of Norges Bank’s regional survey for inflation, GDP growth and the unemployment rate in Norway. We propose several factor models based on regional and sectoral information given by the survey. ...
    • Forecasting Recessions in Real Time 

      Aastveit, Knut Are; Jore, Anne Sofie; Ravazzolo, Francesco (Working Papers;2/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      We review several methods to define and forecast classical business cycle turning points in Norway. In the paper we compare the Bry - Boschan rule (BB) with a Markov Switching model (MS), using alternative vintages of ...
    • Forecasting the Intraday Market Price of Money 

      Monticini, Andrea; Ravazzolo, Francesco (Working Papers;6/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      Market efficiency hypothesis suggests a zero level for the intraday interest rate. However, a liquidity crisis introduces frictions related to news, which can cause an upward jump of the intraday rate. This paper documents ...
    • Foreign banks and the doom loop 

      Albertazzi, Ugo; Cimadomo, Jacopo; Maffei-Faccioli, Nicolò (Working paper;2/2022, Working paper, 2022)
      This paper explores whether foreign banks stabilise or destabilise lending to the real economy in the presence of sovereign stress in the domestic economy and abroad. In this context, the presence of foreign intermediaries ...
    • Foreign direct investment in Norway up to end-1998 

      Hansen, Svein Olav (Journal article, 1999)
      This article presents new and updated figures on the stock of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Norway at the end of 1998. The stock of FDI in Norway, as measured here, showed an increase of NOK 30bn from 1997, reaching ...