Now showing items 617-636 of 1427

    • The interaction between macroprudential and monetary policies: The cases of Norway and Sweden 

      Cao, Jin; Dinger, Valeriya; Grodecka-Messi, Anna; Juelsrud, Ragnar; Zhang, Xin (Working Paper;8/2020, Working paper, 2020)
      To shed light on the interaction between macroprudential and monetary policies, we study the inward transmission of foreign monetary policy in conjunction with domestic macroprudential and monetary policies in Norway and ...
    • Interactions Between Eurozone and US Booms and Busts: A Bayesian Panel Markov-Switching VAR Model 

      Billio, Monica; Casarin, Roberto; Ravazzolo, Francesco; van Dijk, Herman K. (Working Papers;20/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      Interactions between the eurozone and US booms and busts and among major eurozone economies are analyzed by introducing a panel Markov-switching VAR model well suitable for a multi-country cyclical analysis. The model ...
    • Interbank Overnight Interest Rates - Gains from Systemic Importance 

      Akram, Q. Farooq; Christophersen, Casper (Working Papers;11/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      We study overnight interbank interest rates paid by banks in Norway over the period 2006-2009. We observe large variations in interest rates across banks and over time. During the financial crisis, the interest rates are ...
    • Interest Rate Projections in Theory and Practice 

      Bergo, Jarle (Journal article, 2007)
    • “Interest Rate Trap”, or: Why Does the Central Bank Keep the Policy Rate Too Low for Too Long Time? 

      Cao, Jin; Illing, Gerhard (Working Papers;12/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      This paper provides a framework for modeling the risk-taking channel of monetary policy, the mechanism how financial intermediaries’ incentives for liquidity transformation are affected by the central bank’s reaction to ...
    • Internasjonale erfaringer med inflasjonsmål - New Zealand, Storbritannia og Sverige 

      Morka, Kjersti Haare (Journal article, 1999)
      Et eksplisitt inflasjonsmål innebærer at de pengepolitiske virkemidlene innrettes mot å holde inflasjonen lav og stabil innenfor et spesifisert mål. Denne artikkelen presenterer erfaringer fra tre av landene som siden 1990 ...
    • Internasjonale finanskriser - kan og bør det finnes en internasjonal "lender of last resort"? 

      Sandal, Knut; Svor, Anders (Journal article, 2001)
      De senere år har vært preget av en rekke internasjonale finanskriser. Et hovedproblem har vært kapitalflukt, slik at landene har fått akutt behov for valutalån. Artikkelen drøfter om det kan og bør være et internasjonalt ...
    • Internasjonale prisimpulser til importerte konsumvarer 

      Røstøen, Johan Øverseth (Journal article, 2004)
      Lav konsumprisvekst i Norge de siste årene kan for en stor del forklares av lave priser på importerte konsumvarer. Hvordan kan vi måle effekten av den utenlandske prisutviklingen på konsumprisen i Norge? Tradisjonelle ...
    • Intradag likviditet og oppgjør av store betalinger: En simuleringsbasert analyse 

      Enge, Asbjørn; Øverli, Frode (Journal article, 2005)
      Interbanksystemer har stor betydning for økonomien og det finansielle systemet. Ved å foreta simuleringer på reelle data fra Norges Banks oppgjørssystem illustrerer artikkelen avveininger mellom betalingsforsinkelser og ...
    • Intraday Liquidity and the Settlement of Large-Value Payments: A Simulation-Based Analysis 

      Enge, Asbjørn; Øverli, Frode (Journal article, 2006)
      Interbank systems are of great importance to the economy and the financial system. Using simulations based on real data from Norges Bank’s settlement system, this article illustrates trade-offs between delayed payments and ...
    • Introduction of central bank digital currency – necessary legislative amendments 

      Syrstad, Helge (Staff Memo;4/2023, Working paper, 2023)
      orges Bank has been running a central bank digital currency project since 2016. The project is now in its fourth phase, and as part of this phase an overview will be provided of required legislative amendments linked to ...
    • The Investment Channel of Monetary Policy : Evidence from Norway 

      Cao, Jin; Hegna, Torje; Holm, Martin B.; Juelsrud, Ragnar; König, Tobias; Riiser, Mikkel (Working paper;5/2023, Working paper, 2023)
      We investigate the transmission of monetary policy to investment using Norwegian administrative data. We have two main findings. First, financially constrained firms are more responsive to monetary policy, but the effect ...
    • Investment Shocks and Macroeconomic Co-Movement 

      Furlanetto, Francesco; Natvik, Gisle James; Seneca, Martin (Working Papers;14/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      Recent studies find that shocks to the marginal efficiency of investment are a main driver of business cycles. Yet, they struggle to explain why consumption co-moves with real variables such as investment and output, which ...
    • Investment-Specific Technology Shocks and Consumption 

      Furlanetto, Francesco; Seneca, Martin (Working Papers;30/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      Current business cycle models systematically underestimate the correlation between consumption and investment. One reason for this failure is that a positive investment-specific technology shock generally induces a negative ...
    • Is Lumpy Investment Really Irrelevant for the Business Cycle? 

      Sveen, Tommy; Weinke, Lutz (Working Papers;6/2005, Working paper, 2005)
      Smoothness in aggregate capital accumulation is a necessary condition for New-Keynesian (NK) models to imply a quantitatively relevant monetary transmission mechanism (see, e.g., Woodford 2005). Can that aggregate smoothness ...
    • Is monetary policy always effective? Incomplete interest rate pass-through in a DSGE model 

      Binning, Andrew; Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Maih, Junior (Working Paper;22/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      We estimate a regime-switching DSGE model with a banking sector to explain incomplete and asymmetric interest rate pass-through, especially in the presence of a binding zero lower bound (ZLB) constraint. The model is ...
    • Is the Financial System Stable? 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Journal article, 2001)
    • Is the Market Microstructure of Stock Markets Important? 

      Næs, Randi; Skjeltorp, Johannes A. (Journal article, 2006)
      The market microstructure literature studies how the actual transaction process – i.e. how buyers and sellers find one another and agree on a price – can affect price formation and trading volumes in a market. This article ...
    • Is the Price Level in Norway Determined by Fiscal Policy? 

      Alstadheim, Ragna (Working Papers;5/2005, Working paper, 2005)
      The Norwegian public sector has net financial assets. The fiscal theory of price determination applies equally to Norway and economies with net public debt: If primary surpluses evolve independently of nominal debt (or ...
    • Issuance of Corporate Bonds in the Norwegian Market 

      Haugen, Charlotte Høeg (Economic Commentaries;2/2013, Others, 2013)
      At end-2012, the total amount of non-financial corporate bonds outstanding in the Norwegian market came to NOK 270 billion. This accounted for nearly a fifth of the total volume of bonds outstanding. In 2012, non-financial ...