Now showing items 771-790 of 1427

    • Monetary Policy, Forecasts and Market Communication 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Journal article, 2001)
    • Monetary Regime and the Co-Ordination of Wage Setting 

      Holden, Steinar (Working Papers;1/2000, Working paper, 2000)
      International comparisons show that countries with co-ordinated wage setting generally have lower unemployment than countries with less co-ordinated wage setting. This paper argues that the monetary regime may affect whether ...
    • Money and Credit in Norway 

      Kascha, Christian (Staff Memo;8/2009, Working paper, 2009)
      The recent turmoil in the global financial markets raises questions about the nature of the downturn of the Norwegian economy. In particular, are worsening credit market conditions also a leading cause of the Norwegian ...
    • Money in the Equilibrium of Banking 

      Illing, Gerhard; Cao, Jin (Working Papers;22/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      In most banking models, money is merely modeled as a medium of transactions, but in reality, money is also the most liquid asset for banks. Central banks do not only passively supply money to meet demand for transactions, ...
    • Monitoring multicountry macroeconomic risk 

      Korobilis, Dimitris; Schröder, Maximilian (Working paper;9/2023, Working paper, 2023)
      We propose a multicountry quantile factor augmeneted vector autoregression (QFAVAR) to model heterogeneities both across countries and across characteristics of the distributions of macroeconomic time series. The presence ...
    • Mortgage regulation and financial vulnerability at the household level 

      Aastveit, Knut Are; Juelsrud, Ragnar Enger; Wold, Ella Getz (Working Paper;6/2020, Working paper, 2020)
      We evaluate the impact of mortgage regulation on credit volumes, household balance sheets and the reaction to adverse economic shocks. Using a comprehensive dataset of all housing transactions in Norway matched with buyers' ...
    • Mot et nordisk hjemmemarked i banknæringen 

      Øwre, Grete; Sandal, Knut (Journal article, 1999)
      Internasjonal banknæring er inne i en tid med store strukturelle endringer. Sterke drivkrefter har bidratt til internasjonalisering, økt betydning for verdipapirmarkedene og hardere konkurranse.I Europa er disse drivkreftene ...
    • Multiple credit constraints and timevarying macroeconomic dynamics 

      Ingholt, Marcus Mølbak (Working Paper;10/2020, Working paper, 2020)
      I explore the macroeconomic implications of borrowers facing both loan-to-value (LTV) and debt-service-to-income (DTI) limits, using an estimated DSGE model. I identify when each constraint dominated over the period ...
    • Multiple Unemployment Equilibria: Do Transitory Shocks Have Permanent Effects? 

      Akram, Q. Farooq (Working Papers;6/1999, Working paper, 1999)
      This paper tests for multiple equilibria in the Norwegian unemployment rate and investigates whether it displays asymmetric response to positive and negative shocks. Linear and nonlinear univariate models are employed to ...
    • Multivariate Bayesian Predictive Synthesis in Macroeconomic Forecasting 

      McAlinn, Kenichiro; Aastveit, Knut Are; Nakajima, Jouchi; West, Mike (Working Paper;2/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      We present new methodology and a case study in use of a class of Bayesian predictive synthesis (BPS) models for multivariate time series forecasting. This extends the foundational BPS framework to the multivariate setting, ...
    • Myndighetenes støtteordninger under koronapandemien har dempet kredittrisikoen i foretakene 

      Hjelseth, Ida Nervik; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn H. (Staff Memo;3/2021, Working paper, 2021)
      Etter at koronapandemien brøt ut, har myndighetene innført en rekke tiltak rettet mot næringslivet. Støtten har i stor grad blitt gitt til de næringene som er hardest rammet av pandemien og smitteverntiltakene. En betydelig ...
    • Myntutgivelse markerer Ibsen-året 

      Unknown author (Journal article, 2006)
    • Myths and Facts About the Alleged Over-Pricing of U.S. Real Estate. Evidence from Multi-Factor Asset Pricing Models of REIT Returns 

      Guidolin, Massimo; Ravazzolo, Francesco; Tortora, Andrea Donato (Working Papers;19/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      This paper uses a multi-factor pricing model with time-varying risk exposures and premia to examine whether the 2003-2006 period has been characterized, as often claimed by a number of commentators and policymakers, by a ...
    • Narrative monetary policy surprises and the media 

      ter Ellen, Saskia; Larsen, Vegard H.; Thorsrud, Leif Anders (Working Paper;19/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      We propose a method to quantify narratives from textual data in a structured manner, and identify what we label "narrative monetary policy surprises" as the change in economic media coverage that can be explained by central ...
    • Navigating with NEMO 

      Kravik, Erling Motzfeldt; Mimir, Yasin (Staff Memo;5/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      This paper describes NEMO, the main dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model used at Norges Bank for monetary policy analysis and forecasting. NEMO has been used to identify the sources of business cycle fluctuations ...
    • Når staten tar kontroll : Bankkrisen fra 1991 - 1993 

      Gram, Trond (Staff Memo;18/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      På slutten av 1980-tallet inntraff en bankkrise i Norge, den første på 60 år her til lands. Denne oppgaven har til hensikt å undersøke løsningene som ble valgt for den norske bankkrisen fra 1988 til 1993, med vekt på de ...
    • Nåverdien av statens investeringer i og støtte til norske banker 

      Moen, Harald (Arbeidsnotater;6/2003, Working paper, 2003)
      Under bankkrisen på slutten av 1980-tallet og begynnelsen av 1990-tallet bidro Statens Banksikringsfond, Statens Bankinvesteringsfond og Norges Bank med støtte til og investeringer i norske forretnings- og sparebanker. Jeg ...
    • Nedbemanning i norske virksomheter 

      Raavand, Andreas Haga (Aktuell Kommentar;11/2016, Others, 2016)
      Oljeprisfallet har ført til en rekke nedbemanninger i oljenæringen og tilknyttede virksomheter. Denne kommentaren belyser hvordan norske virksomheter nedbemanner og hvilke faktorer som eventuelt bidrar til å dempe nedgangen ...
    • Nedtur i USA – krise eller velkommen avdemping for verdensøkonomien? 

      Wilse, Hans Petter (Aktuell Kommentar;4/2008, Others, 2008)
      Problemer i boligmarkedet i USA utløste kraftig uro i finansmarkedene i 2007, og den økonomiske veksten i USA har avtatt markert de siste kvartalene. Det er frykt for resesjon. USAs økonomiske størrelse innebærer at dette ...
    • Negative Interest Rates : Central Bank Reserves and Liquidity Management 

      Bernhardsen, Tom; Lund, Kathrine (Economic Commentaries;2/2015, Others, 2015)
      In a number of countries, short-term money market rates have now become negative, either because the central bank has set a negative policy rate or because excess central bank reserves are pushing down short-term money ...