• Explaining the Boom-Bust Cycle in the U.S. Housing Market: A Reverse-Engineering Approach 

      Gelain, Paolo; Lansing, Kevin J.; Natvik, Gisle James (Working Papers;11/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      We use a simple quantitative asset pricing model to "reverse-engineer" the sequences of stochastic shocks to housing demand and lending standards that are needed to exactly replicate the boom-bust patterns in U.S. household ...
    • Explaining the Low US Inflation – Coincidence or “New Economy”? Evidence Based on a Wage-Price Spiral 

      Claussen, Carl Andreas; Staehr, Karsten (Working Papers;2/2001, Working paper, 2001)
      We study possible factors behind the subdued inflation in the United States since the mid-1990s. A standard expectations-augmented Phillips curve does not exhibit structural breaks. However, a wage-price spiral comprising ...
    • External Price Impulses to Imported Consumer Goods 

      Røstøen, Johan Øverseth (Journal article, 2004)
      The low consumer price inflation in Norway may largely be explained by the sharp fall in prices for imported goods, which is a result of a price fall in other countries and an appreciation of the krone. The increase in ...
    • Factors That Influence the Krone Exchange Rate 

      Bernhardsen, Tom; Røisland, Øistein (Journal article, 2000)
      Expectations about future interest rates and inflation influence economic developments. For example, market expectations of higher inflation may themselves result in higher inflation, for instance through higher pay ...
    • Failure Prediction of Norwegian Banks: A Logit Approach 

      Andersen, Henrik (Working Papers;2/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      Norges Bank has since 1989 been using a risk index for banks. The purpose of this risk index is to identify potential problem banks, and to obtain a general picture of the health of the banking industry. In 1994 the risk ...
    • Faktorer bak bankenes problemlån 

      Berge, Tor Oddvar; Boye, Katrine Godding (Journal article, 2007)
      Utviklingen i bankenes problemlån knyttet til husholdninger og foretak analyseres med utgangspunkt i empiriske modeller. Problemlån omfatter misligholdte lån og andre særlig tapsutsatte lån. Problemlån som andel av samlede ...
    • Faktorer bak veksten i konsumprisene 

      Hov, Marius Nyborg; Naug, Bjørn E.; Stensland, Njål (Staff Memo;6/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      Vi analyserer hvordan makroøkonomiske drivkrefter kan forklare utviklingen i konsumprisene siden 2001. Sammenhengene analyseres ved hjelp av empiriske modeller. Vi finner at prisene på norskproduserte varer og tjenester ...
    • Fertility Cost, Intergenerational Labor Division, and Female Employment 

      Yu, Haiyue; Cao, Jin; Kang, Shulong (Working Paper;3/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      China has set to increase the minimum retirement age, to ease the pressure from pension expenditure and the falling labor supply caused by the aging population. However, policy debates have so far neglected the crucial ...
    • Filialer av utenlandske banker og kredittilbud 

      Turtveit, Lars-Tore (Aktuell Kommentar;3/2017, Others, 2017)
      Filialer av utenlandske banker (filialer) har hatt mer volatil utlånsvekst enn norske banker de siste 10 årene. Filialer har ikke selvstendig kapitaldekning, men bankkonsernet må oppfylle kapitalkrav i hjemlandet. Noe av ...
    • Final Pair of Coins to Mark the Centennial Celebration 1905 – 2005 

      Ukjent forfatter (Journal article, 2005)
    • Financial Crises and Monetary Expansion 

      Grytten, Ola Honningdal (Working Papers;21/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      On the basis of data from the Historical Monetary Statistics-project by Norges Bank, the present paper serves a threefold purpose. In the first place it gives an overview of financial crisis in Norway from her independence ...
    • Financial Factors and the Macroeconomy - a Policy Model 

      Brubakk, Leif; Gelain, Paolo (Staff Memo;10/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      This paper documents the theoretical structure of an extension of the Norges Bank policy model NEMO. New features include an explicit treatment of the credit market, including a separate banking sector, a role for housing ...
    • Financial Globalization and Bank Lending : The Limits of Domestic Monetary Policy? 

      Cao, Jin; Dinger, Valeriya (Working papers;4/2018, Working paper, 2018)
      We empirically analyze how bank lending reacts to monetary policy in the presence of global financial flows. Employing a unique and novel dataset of the funding modes and currency composition of the full population of ...
    • Financial imbalances and medium-term growth-at-risk in Norway 

      Arbatli-Saxegaard, Elif C.; Gerdrup, Karsten R.; Johansen, Rønnaug M. (Staff Memo;5/2020, Working paper, 2020)
      We examine how measures of financial imbalances affect macroeconomic tail risks over the medium-term in Norway and in other advanced economies. We use a broad set of financial indicators to capture cyclical systemic risk ...
    • Financial Imbalances, Crisis Probability and Monetary Policy in Norway 

      Alstadheim, Ragna; Robstad, Ørjan; Vonen, Nikka Husom (Working Papers;21/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      We assess the strength of the impact of a monetary policy shock on financial crisis probability in Norway. Policy effects go via the interest rate impact on credit, house prices and banks’ wholesale funding. We find that ...
    • Financial stability 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Journal article, 1999)
    • Financial Stability and Monetary Policy - Theory and Practice 

      Haugland, Kjersti; Vikøren, Birger (Journal article, 2006)
      Both price stability and financial stability are important for achieving macroeconomic stability. It is not clearcut, however, what weight should be attached to financial stability and price stability considerations, ...
    • Financial Stability – Experiences and Challenges 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Journal article, 1999)
    • Financial Stability, Asset Prices and Monetary Policy 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Journal article, 2003)
    • Financial Variables and Developments in the Real Economy 

      Gerdrup, Karsten R.; Hammersland, Roger; Naug, Bjørn E. (Journal article, 2006)
      This article examines whether financial variables are useful as leading indicators of the output gap and mainland GDP growth. Financial variables may be leading indicators either because they (a) are priced on the basis ...