• An historical perspective on financial stability and monetary policy regimes : A case for caution in central banks current obsession with financial stability 

      Bordo, Michael D. (Working papers;5/2018, Working paper, 2018)
      The global financial crisis (GFC) of 2007-2008 led to a call for central banks to elevate their financial stability mandate to the same level as their price stability mandate. It also led to a call for central banks to use ...
    • Analyse av auksjoner i statskasseveksler i perioden fra oktober 2000 til utgangen av 2004 

      Jacobsen, Thomas Svane (Journal article, 2005)
      I gjennomsnitt var statens lånerente 11 rentepunkter under sammenlignbar rente i pengemarkedet i perioden fra oktober 2000 og ut 2004, og bare i fire av sytti tilfeller var den høyere enn pengemarkedsrenten. Estimering av ...
    • Analyser av effekter av boliglånsforskriften 

      Borchgrevink, Henrik; Torstensen, Kjersti Næss (Aktuell Kommentar;1/2018, Others, 2018)
      Denne aktuelle kommentaren analyserer effekter av boliglånsforskriften som kom i 2017. Analysene er foreløpige fordi ligningstall for 2017 ennå ikke foreligger. Krav til utlån med pant i bolig ble forskriftsfestet i 2015 ...
    • Analyses of Effects of the Residential Mortgage Loan Regulation 

      Borchgrevink, Henrik; Torstensen, Kjersti Næss (Economic Commentaries;1/2018, Others, 2018)
      This article analyses the effects of the regulation on residential mortgage loans issued in 2017. The analyses are preliminary as tax data for 2017 are not yet available. Residential mortgage loan requirements were laid ...
    • An anatomy of monopsony : Search frictions, amenities and bargaining in concentrated markets 

      Berger, David; Herkenhoff, Kyle; Kostol, Andreas R.; Mongey, Simon (Working paper;10/2023, Working paper, 2023)
      We contribute a theory in which three channels interact to determine the degree of monopsony power and therefore the markdown of a worker’s spot wage relative to her marginal product: (1) heterogeneity in worker-firm-specific ...
    • Announcements of Interest Rate Forecasts: Do Policymakers Stick to Them? 

      Mirkov, Nikola; Natvik, Gisle James (Working Papers;11/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      If central banks value the ex-post accuracy of their forecasts, previously announced interest rate paths might affect the current policy rate. We explore whether this "forecast adherence" has influenced the monetary policies ...
    • Anslag på bankenes tap på utlån til ikke-finansielle foretak 

      Hjelseth, Ida Nervik; Saxegaard, Elif Arbatli; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn H. (Staff Memo;10/2020, Working paper, 2020)
      Lån til ikke-finansielle foretak er den største kilden til tap i bankene. Analyser av bankenes utlånstap til foretak er derfor viktig i vurderingen av finansiell stabilitet. I dette memoet presenterer vi Norges Banks ...
    • Applying Flexible Parameter Restrictions in Markov-Switching Vector Autoregression Models 

      Binning, Andrew; Maih, Junior (Working Papers;17/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      We present a new method for imposing parameter restrictions in Markov-Switching Vector Autoregression (MS-VAR) models. Our method is more flexible than competing methodologies and easily handles a range of parameter ...
    • Arbeidsinnvandring og lønn 

      Nordbø, Einar W. (Aktuell Kommentar;5/2013, Others, 2013)
      Siden EU-utvidelsen i 2004 har Norge opplevd en sterk tilstrømning av utenlandsk arbeidskraft. I denne kommentaren diskuteres det hvilken betydning dette kan ha for lønnsutviklingen. Bruken av utenlandsk arbeidskraft har ...
    • Arbitrage in the Foreign Exchange Market: Turning on the Microscope 

      Akram, Q. Farooq; Rime, Dagfinn; Sarno, Lucio (Working Papers;12/2005, Working paper, 2005)
      This paper provides real-time evidence on the frequency, size and duration of arbitrage opportunities and deviations from the law of one price (LOP) in the foreign exchange market. We investigate deviations from the covered ...
    • Are Bank Lending Shocks Important for Economic Fluctuations? 

      Halvorsen, Jørn Inge; Jacobsen, Dag Henning (Working Papers;27/2009, Working paper, 2009)
      We analyze the importance of bank lending shocks on real activity in Norway and the UK, using structural VARs and based on quarterly data for the past 21 years. The VARs are identified using a combination of sign and ...
    • Are Household Debt-To-Income Ratios Too High? 

      Berge, Tor Oddvar; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Economic Commentaries;4/2009, Others, 2009)
      Household debt growth has been high over the past 8‐9 years and it has been far higher than growth in disposable income. As a result, the household interest burden has risen sharply and is now at a historically high level ...
    • Are Real Wages Rigid Downwards? 

      Holden, Steinar; Wulfsberg, Fredrik (Working Papers;1/2007, Working paper, 2007)
      This paper explores the existence of downward real wage rigidity (DRWR) in 19 OECD countries, over the period 1973–1999, using data for hourly nominal earnings at industry level. Based on a nonparametric statistical method, ...
    • Are Unexpected Loan Losses Lower for Small Enterprises Than for Large Enterprises? 

      Larsen, Kai; Bjerkeland, Kristin M. (Journal article, 2005)
      Unexpected loan losses have been lower for loans to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) than for those to large enterprises in about ⅔ of the period reviewed in this article. In the remaining period, including two ...
    • Aspects of the International Monetary System : International Reserves and International Exchange Rate Regimes 

      Fridriksson, Ingimundur (Staff Memo;9/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      The global economy has in recent years been characterized among other things by large imbalances between countries and regions, capital flow volatility, and large reserve accumulation by several countries, in some cases ...
    • Assessing Estimates of the Exchange Rate Pass-Through 

      Bache, Ida Wolden (Working Papers;12/2007, Working paper, 2007)
      We investigate optimal horizons for targeting inflation in response to different shocks and their properties under alternative preferences of an inflation-targeting central bank. Our analysis is based on a well specified ...
    • Assessment of Credit Risk in the Norwegian Business Sector 

      Sjøvoll, Espen (Working Papers;9/1999, Working paper, 1999)
      In this thesis, I present a model that measures credit risk in the Norwegian business sector, using firm bankruptcy as proxy for credit risk. Probit analysis, a discrete response model, is applied to micro level financial ...
    • Asset Prices, Investment and Credit – What Do They Tell Us About Financial Vulnerability? 

      Riiser, Magdalena D. (Economic Commentaries;6/2008, Others, 2008)
      In this commentary we examine whether a number of historical indicators can predict financial vulnerability over the past 150 years in Norway. Using a Hodrick-Prescott filter, we estimate the gap between actual observations ...
    • Asset Prices, Investment, Credit and Financial Vulnerability 

      Riiser, Magdalena D. (Economic Commentaries;4/2010, Others, 2010)
      Previous analyses indicate that macroeconomic gap indicators for house prices, equity prices, investment and credit are useful in predicting periods of financial instability in Norway. The indicators show, with few exceptions, ...
    • Asset Prices, Investment, Credit and Financial Vulnerability. An Analysis Using Quarterly Figures 

      Riiser, Magdalena D. (Economic Commentaries;6/2012, Others, 2012)
      Previous analyses using annual figures for a period of over 150 years show that gap indicators of house prices, equity prices, investment and credit are useful in predicting periods of financial instability in Norway. ...