• Labour Supply Factors and Economic Fluctuations 

      Foroni, Claudia; Furlanetto, Francesco; Lepetit, Antoine (Working Papers;7/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      We propose a new VAR identification scheme that enables us to disentangle labour supply shocks from wage bargaining shocks. identification is achieved by imposing robust signrestrictions that are derived from a New Keynesian ...
    • Langvarige konsekvenser i arbeidsmarkedet 

      Ellingsen, Nicolai; Galaasen, Sigurd Mølster (Staff Memo;1/2021, Working paper, 2021)
      Vi studerer langvarig sysselsettingskonsekvenser av dype økonomiske nedgangstider ved å utnytte den geografiske variasjonen i lokale økonomiske forhold i etterkant av oljepriskollapsen i 2014. Vi dokumenterer en negativ ...
    • Large T and Small N: A Three-Step Approach to the Identification of Cointegrating Relationships in Time Series Models with a Small Cross-Sectional Dimension 

      Hammersland, Roger (Working Papers;15/2004, Working paper, 2004)
      This paper addresses cointegration in small cross-sectional panel data models. In addition to dealing with cointegrating relationships within the cross-sectional dimension, the paper explicitly addresses the issue of ...
    • Large’ vs. ‘Small’ Players: A Closer Look at the Dynamics of Speculative Attacks 

      Bjønnes, Geir Høidal; Holden, Steinar; Rime, Dagfinn; Solheim, Haakon (Working Papers;13/2005, Working paper, 2005)
      What is the role of “large players” like hedge funds and other highly leveraged institutions in speculative attacks? In recent theoretical work, large players may induce an attack by an early move, providing information ...
    • Leaning against persistent financial cycles with occasional crises 

      Kockerols, Thore; Kravik, Erling Motzfeldt; Mimir, Yasin (Working Paper;11/2021, Working paper, 2021)
      Should central banks use leaning against the wind (LAW)-type monetary or macroprudential policy to address risks to financial stability? We first assess LAW as a one-off (nonsystematic) policy using an estimated large-scale ...
    • Leaning Against the Credit Cycle 

      Gelain, Paolo; Lansing, Kevin J.; Natvik, Gisle James (Working Papers;4/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      We study the interaction between monetary policy and household debt dynamics. To this end, we develop a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model where household debt is amortized gradually, and only new loans are ...
    • Leaning Against the Wind When Credit Bites Back 

      Gerdrup, Karsten R.; Hansen, Frank; Krogh, Tord; Maih, Junior (Working Papers;9/2016, Working paper, 2016)
      This paper analyzes the cost-benefit trade-off of leaning against the wind (LAW) in monetary policy. Our starting point is a New Keynesian Markov-switching model where the economy can be in a normal state or in a crisis ...
    • “Leaning Against the Wind”, Macroprudential Policy and the Financial Cycle 

      Kockerols, Thore; Kok, Christoffer (Working Paper;1/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      Should monetary policy lean against financial stability risks? This has been a subject of fierce debate over the last decades. We contribute to the debate about “leaning against the wind” (LAW) along three lines. First, ...
    • Leder: Anslag og forventninger 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Journal article, 1999)
    • Leder: På tryggere grunn? 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Journal article, 1999)
    • Lending Growth, Non-Performing Loans and Loan Losses 

      Kvisgaard, Vera; Vale, Bent (Staff Memo;8/2018, Working paper, 2018)
      At macro level, large loan losses for banks have often been preceded by periods of high lending growth. We analyse at bank level whether high loan growth also leads to more problem loans later on. The analysis is carried ...
    • Letting the Anchor Go: Monetary Policy in Neutral Norway During World War I 

      Værholm, Monica; Øksendal, Lars Fredrik (Working Papers;28/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      Introduction: For later generations, August 1914 has become a watershed in monetary history. In a matter of days, the belligerent and neutral countries of Europe alike suspended the gold standard. The international monetary ...
    • Life-Cycle Patterns of Interest Rate Markups in Small Firm Finance 

      Kim, Moshe; Kristiansen, Eirik Gaard; Vale, Bent (Working Papers;4/2007, Working paper, 2007)
      We derive empirical implications from a stylized theoretical model of bankborrower relationships. Banks’ interest rate markups are predicted to follow a life-cycle pattern over the borrowing firms’ age. Due to endogenous ...
    • Likviditet og knapphet i det norske statsobligasjonsmarkedet 

      Hein, Jesper Bull (Journal article, 2003)
      Prisingen i et velfungerende statsobligasjonsmarked inneholder informasjon av verdi for markedsaktørene. Artikkelen beskriver likviditeten og knappheten i det norske statsobligasjonsmarkedet og betydningen den begrensede ...
    • Likviditeten i det norske statsobligasjonsmarkedet 

      Evjen, Snorre; Grønvold, Marte; Gundersen, Karianne (Staff Memo;1/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      Statsgjeldsforvaltningen i Norge har som mål å låne til lavest mulig kostnader. God likviditet i statsobligasjonsmarkedet vil bidra til lavere lånekostnader for staten. I denne analysen ser vi på flere indikatorer som fra ...
    • Likviditetsindikatorer for det norske statsobligasjonsmarkedet 

      Opheim, Vetle Øye (Staff Memo;8/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      Statsgjeldsforvaltningen i Norges Bank har som mål å dekke statens lånebehov til lavest mulig kostnader. Samtidig skal forvaltningen søke å opprettholde en rentekurve opp til 10 år. Likviditeten i markedet har betydning ...
    • Likviditetskrisen høsten 2008 

      Sundvall, Nora (Staff Memo;16/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      Etter konkursen i Lehman Brothers 15. september 2008 ble omsetningen i internasjonale pengemarkeder sterkt redusert. Banker i omtrent alle land fikk betydelige problemer med finansieringen av sine porteføljer. I dette ...
    • Likviditetsstyringen i Norge og utviklingen i bankenes likviditet 

      Hoff, Erna (Staff Memo;10/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      Det operative målet for pengepolitikken er lav og stabil inflasjon med en årsvekst i konsumprisene som over tid er nær 2,5 prosent. Hovedstyret i Norges Bank bestemmer styringsrenten, som er renten bankene får på sine ...
    • Liquidity and Asset Pricing: Evidence on the Role of Investor Holding Period 

      Næs, Randi; Ødegaard, Bernt Arne (Working Papers;11/2007, Working paper, 2007)
      We use data on actual holding periods for all investors in a stock market over a 10 year period to investigate the links between holding periods, liquidity, and asset returns. Microstructure measures of liquidity are shown ...
    • Liquidity and Supply in the Norwegian Government Bond Market 

      Hein, Jesper Bull (Journal article, 2003)
      The Norwegian government issues debt in the bond and bill market. Market prices for these instruments contain information about market expectations concerning the required real rate of return and inflation. The quality of ...