Blar i Penger og Kreditt / Economic Bulletin på emneord "VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Økonomi: 210::Samfunnsøkonomi: 212"
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20-Krone Coin to Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of Niels Henrik Abel’s Birth
(Journal article, 2002) -
A Model for Predicting Aggregated Corporate Credit Risk
(Journal article, 2010)For many financial institutions credit risk, and in particular credit risk on loans to corporate borrowers, is the major source of risk. Good estimates of credit risk are important both for pricing individual loans and ... -
A Model for Predicting Aggregated Corporate Credit Risk
(Journal article, 2010)We present a model linking macroeconomic variables directly to an aggregate measure of credit risk in selected industries. The model is an alternative to an approach where firm-specific credit risk is predicted and then ... -
A New Settlement System at Norges Bank
(Journal article, 2012)Norges Bank is among the first central banks to have outsourced the IT operation of its settlement system and adopted a second generation off-the-shelf settlement system from a commercial software vendor. During the two ... -
A Retrospective on the Introduction of Prices in the Norwegian Payment System
(Journal article, 2006)During the 1980s, Norwegian banks introduced direct pricing of customers’ use of payment services. Direct pricing of payment services is relatively uncommon in other countries and Norway thus stands out in relation to the ... -
Aksjemarkedets mikrostruktur – betyr det noe?
(Journal article, 2006)Mikrostrukturmodeller skiller seg fra tradisjonelle finansmodeller ved å åpne for at lovlig informasjon om underliggende selskapsverdier kan være ulikt fordelt og analysert mellom markedsaktørene. Litteraturen på fagområdet ... -
An Analysis of Banks' Problem Loans
(Journal article, 2007)In this analysis, we look at the macroeconomic factors which function as driving forces behind developments in banks’ problem loans. Problem loans include non-performing loans and other particularly doubtful loans. Since ... -
An Analysis of Financial Ratios for the Oslo Stock Exchange
(Journal article, 2007)Share prices are driven by companies’ operations, funding and the risk premium required by investors. This article examines financial ratios that may reflect these three variables for the Oslo Stock Exchange in the period ... -
Analyse av auksjoner i statskasseveksler i perioden fra oktober 2000 til utgangen av 2004
(Journal article, 2005)I gjennomsnitt var statens lånerente 11 rentepunkter under sammenlignbar rente i pengemarkedet i perioden fra oktober 2000 og ut 2004, og bare i fire av sytti tilfeller var den høyere enn pengemarkedsrenten. Estimering av ... -
Are Unexpected Loan Losses Lower for Small Enterprises Than for Large Enterprises?
(Journal article, 2005)Unexpected loan losses have been lower for loans to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) than for those to large enterprises in about ⅔ of the period reviewed in this article. In the remaining period, including two ... -
Avveininger i pengepolitikken
(Journal article, 2004)Fleksibel inflasjonsstyring innebærer at sentralbanken på kort sikt foretar en avveining mellom prisstabilitet og realøkonomisk stabilitet. En toårshorisont for oppnåelse av inflasjonsmålet gir normalt en hensiktsmessig ... -
Bankenes kostnader og inntekter i betalingsformidlingen i 2001
(Journal article, 2002)Det har vært en sterk produktivitetsøkning i finansiell sektor på 1990-tallet, og endringer i betalingsformidlingen har vært en viktig kilde til dette. Betalingstransaksjonene produseres nå til betydelig lavere kostnader ... -
Bankenes likviditetssituasjon under finansuroen høsten 2008
(Journal article, 2011)Etter konkursen i Lehman Brothers 15. september 2008 ble omsetningen i internasjonale pengemarkeder sterkt redusert. Banker i omtrent alle land fikk betydelige problemer med finansieringen av sine porteføljer. Sentralbankene ... -
Bankenes motpartsrisiko - resultater fra en kartlegging gjennomført av Norges Bank og Kredittilsynet
(Journal article, 2002)Norges Bank og Kredittilsynet har kartlagt en del norske bankers usikrede eksponeringer mot deres største motparter for å vurdere risikoen for en systemkrise hvis en viktig motpart ikke innfrir sine forpliktelser. Funnene ... -
Bankenes prising av risiko ved utlån til foretakssektoren
(Journal article, 2002)En bank som priser sine utlån for lavt i forhold til risikoen, vil svekke sin soliditet, og bankenes prising av risiko har derfor betydning for stabiliteten i det finansielle systemet. Artikkelen ser på sammenhengen mellom ... -
Bankers likviditet og finansiering
(Journal article, 2012)Bankene finansierer utlån med innskudd fra kunder og ved markedsfinansiering, det vil si innlån fra penge- og kapitalmarkedene. En viktig oppgave for banker er å omdanne kortsiktig sparing fra publikum til langsiktige ... -
Banks’ Costs and Income in the Payment System in 2001
(Journal article, 2002)According to national accounts data, the financial sector showed a strong increase in productivity in the 1990s. This article explains that this was largely due to changes in the payment system. A larger number of payment ... -
Banks’ Counterparty Risk – Results of a Survey Conducted by Norges Bank and the Banking Insurance and Securities Commission
(Journal article, 2003)Norges Bank has overall responsibility for promoting financial stability and works systematically to identify conditions that could trigger a systemic crisis. As part of this work, Norges Bank, in collaboration with the ... -
Banks’ Liquidity Situation During the Financial Turmoil in Autumn 2008
(Journal article, 2012)In autumn 2008, many banks encountered considerable difficulties with portfolio funding. This article describes the impact on Norwegian banks. The authors also look at the characteristic features of the banks that faced ... -
Banks’ Pricing of Risk Associated with Corporate Lending
(Journal article, 2003)If a bank on average prices its loans too low in relation to the risk associated with the loans, the bank’s financial strength will deteriorate over time. Banks’ pricing of risk is therefore important to the stability of ...