Viser treff 101-120 av 473

    • Penger og Kreditt 1998/4 

      Storvik, Kjell (Journal issue, 1998)
    • Penger og Kreditt 1997/3 

      Storvik, Kjell (Journal issue, 1997)
    • Penger og Kreditt 1997/2 

      Storvik, Kjell (Journal issue, 1997)
    • Penger og Kreditt 1998/3 

      Storvik, Kjell (Journal issue, 1998)
    • Betalingssystemet – en kilde til risiko. Behovet for overvåking og tilsyn 

      Haare, Harald; Sletner, Inger-Johanne (Journal article, 2007)
      Betalingssystemet er en viktig del av et lands finansielle infrastruktur. Velfungerende betalingssystemer gjør det mulig å gjennomføre pengeoverføringer på en sikker måte og til avtalt tid. Artikkelen beskriver Norges Banks ...
    • Evaluation of Norges Bank’s Projections for 1999 

      Jore, Anne Sofie (Journal article, 2001)
      In order to provide the central bank with an optimal basis for the conduct of monetary policy, the central bank must evaluate its projections for economic developments. Norges Bank has previously published analyses of its ...
    • Commemorative Coin to Mark the New Millennium 

      Ukjent forfatter (Journal article, 1999)
    • Do Norwegian Payment Systems Satisfy the New BIS Recommendations? 

      Watne, Kjetil (Journal article, 2001)
      A long-standing concern of central banks has been the risks in payment systems. One concern has been that the systems are organised so that one participant's financial problems could spread to other participants, and that ...
    • Increased Cash Holdings – Reduced Use of Cash: A Paradox? 

      Gresvik, Olaf; Kaloudis, Aris (Journal article, 2001)
      Outstanding cash holdings in Norway have increased in real terms since 1980 and now amount to about NOK 10 000 per person. We can only ascribe between 37 and 47 per cent of cash holdings to legal, registered, quantifiable ...
    • Norges Bank’s Surveillance of Financial Stability 

      Eklund, Trond; Gulbrandsen, Bjarne (Journal article, 2000)
      This article presents the primary elements of the analyses performed by Norges Bank to monitor stability in the financial system. Section 1 explains briefly why Norges Bank performs these analyses. Section 2 examines ...
    • Evaluation of Norges Bank´s Projections 

      Jore, Anne Sofie (Journal article, 2000)
      This article analyses Norges Bank’s projections for 1998, published in autumn 1996 and autumn 1997 respectively. Compared with earlier articles on this subject, we go one step further in the analysis by examining projections ...
    • Can the Price of Currency Options Provide an Indication of Market Perceptions of the Uncertainty Attached to the Krone Exchange Rate? 

      Eitrheim, Øyvind; Frøyland, Espen; Røisland, Øistein (Journal article, 1999)
      Prices in the currency options market can provide an indication of market perceptions of the uncertainty attached to future exchange rates. We have used these option prices to calculate the probability distribution for the ...
    • Risk in the Norwegian Settlement System 

      Enge, Asbjørn; Bakke, Bjørn (Journal article, 2001)
      In recent years, there has been strong international focus on risk in the payment system and most countries have implemented measures to reduce this risk. In this article, we will discuss the main aspects of Norges Bank’s ...
    • Output Gap in the Norwegian Economy – Different Methodologies, Same Result? 

      Frøyland, Espen; Nymoen, Ragnar (Journal article, 2000)
      Potential output is an estimate of the level of output that is consistent over time with the highest possible utilisation of resources in the economy with stable inflation. The output gap measures the difference between ...
    • Norges Bank’s System for Managing Interest Rates 

      Kran, Lars-Christian; Øwre, Grete (Journal article, 2001)
      The article provides an account of Norges Bank’s practical implementation of monetary policy in the money market through liquidity policy. Liquidity policy consists of Norges Bank’s operations in the money market to influence ...
    • Model for Analysing Credit Risk in the Enterprise Sector 

      Eklund, Trond; Larsen, Kai; Bernhardsen, Eivind (Journal article, 2001)
      When banks’ overall risk is evaluated, their credit risk exposure to the enterprise sector is a key element. In analyses of banks’ credit risk in the enterprise sector, both a macroeconomic and a business economics approach ...
    • Norges Bank’s Oversight of Payment Systems - Licensing and Supervision 

      Lund, May Helle; Watne, Kjetil (Journal article, 2000)
      Throughout the 1990s a number of international recommendations on risk reduction in payment systems have been drawn up. The most recent recommendations were issued by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in the ...
    • Factors That Influence the Krone Exchange Rate 

      Bernhardsen, Tom; Røisland, Øistein (Journal article, 2000)
      Expectations about future interest rates and inflation influence economic developments. For example, market expectations of higher inflation may themselves result in higher inflation, for instance through higher pay ...
    • New 500-Krone Banknote 

      Ukjent forfatter (Journal article, 1999)
    • The Risk Associated with Banks` Foreign Borrowing 

      Gerdrup, Karsten R.; Lund, Arild J.; Weme, Sindre (Journal article, 2000)
      Since 1995 banks’ foreign borrowing has increased sharply, matching the growth recorded in the mid-1980s. Measured in relation to banks’ total loans, foreign funding is smaller now than at that time. As was the case in the ...