Now showing items 451-470 of 1427

    • From a "Critical Interest Burden" to a "Vulnerable Debt Ratio" 

      Torstensen, Kjersti Næss (Economic Commentaries;2/2016, Others, 2016)
      The debt ratio, measured as total household debt relative to disposable income, has risen markedly over the past 30 years. Changes in structural factors such as relaxation of credit standards and financial innovation have ...
    • From a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime to Inflation Targeting 

      Kleivset, Christoffer (Working Papers;13/2012, Working paper, 2012)
      This paper documents Norges Bank's role in the long transition period from a fixed exchange rate regime to inflation targeting in Norway. It is shown that the Bank's leadership and influential department leaders wanted ...
    • Frontfagets betydning for lønnsdannelsen i private tjenestnæringer 

      Brubakk, Leif; Hagelund, Kåre (Staff Memo;5/2022, Working paper, 2022)
      I denne analysen ser vi nærmere på i hvilken utstrekning lønnsutviklingen i industrien driver lønnsutviklingen i de ulike tjenesteytende næringene i privat sektor, i tråd med prediksjonen fra frontfagsmodellen. Spesielt ...
    • Further Analysis of the Stress Test of Banks’ Capital Adequacy in Financial Stability 2/2010 

      Havro, Gøril Bjerkhol; Træe, Cathrine Bolstad; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Journal article, 2011)
      Economic Bulletin includes more detailed information about the stress tests that are presented in the report series Financial Stability. In the tests, banks’ accounts are projected over a four-year period. In this analysis, ...
    • Further Analysis of the Stress Tests in Financial Stability 2/11 

      Johansen, Rønnaug Melle; Kolvig, Knut (Journal article, 2012)
      Economic Bulletin includes more detailed information about the stress tests that are presented in the report series Financial Stability. The purpose of the stress tests is to assess the vulnerability of the banking system ...
    • Garanterte investeringsprodukter 

      Axelsen, Kristine Andenæs (Journal article, 2000)
      Garanterte investeringsprodukter gir investor mulighet til å delta i aksje- og råvaremarkedene uten å risikere store tap hvis markedene skulle falle. I utlandet har markedet for slike produkter vokst kraftig de siste årene, ...
    • Getting a Foot on the Housing Ladder: The Role of Parents in Giving a Leg-Up 

      Halvorsen, Elin; Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro (Working Papers;19/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      In this paper we question whether parental resources are important for first-time buyers? We find a nuanced set of results. First, when parents help out financially, it clearly increases the probability of entering the ...
    • Gir høy gjeldsvekst i oppgangstider større konsumfall i nedgangstider? 

      Hansen, Frank; Torstensen, Kjersti Næss (Aktuell Kommentar;8/2016, Others, 2016)
      Den sterke oppbyggingen av gjeld i forkant av finanskrisen har gitt et fornyet fokus på sammenhengen mellom gjeld og husholdningenes etterspørsel ved tilbakeslag i økonomien. Studier på disaggregerte data finner empirisk ...
    • Gjeldsbetjeningsevnen for børsnoterte ikke-finansielle foretak 

      Hjelseth, Ida Nervik (Aktuell Kommentar;3/2016, Others, 2016)
      Gjeldsbetjeningsevnen for norske ikke-finansielle foretak notert på Oslo Børs har avtatt noe og er nå lavere enn gjennomsnittet de siste 14 årene. I det siste har særlig gjeldsbetjeningsevnen for oljeservicenæringen hatt ...
    • Gjeldsordning for land 

      Winje, Pål (Journal article, 2002)
      Valutafondet har foreslått en gjeldsordning for land med betalingsproblemer. Selv om forslaget har møtt massiv motstand fra internasjonale investorer og viktige låntakerland, er det en økende erkjennelse av behovet for et ...
    • Global and Regional Business Cycles. Shocks and Propagations 

      Thorsrud, Leif Anders (Working Papers;8/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      We study the synchronization of real and nominal variables across four different regions of the world, Asia, Europe, North and South America, covering 32 different countries. Employing a FAVAR framework, we distinguish ...
    • Global and Regional Initiatives to Strengthen Oversight and Regulation of the Financial Sector 

      Vale, Bent; Winje, Pål (Journal article, 2011)
      A bird’s-eye view of recent reform proposals to banking regulation is presented. Emphasis is on the Basel Committee’s proposed capital and liquidity regulations, but also initiatives from other international organisations ...
    • Globalisering - måling og utviklingstrekk 

      Stæhr, Karsten (Journal article, 2003)
      I hvilken grad er verdensøkonomien blitt globalisert? Artikkelen drøfter hvordan en kan måle globalisering og beskriver deretter utviklingen på områder som handel, kapitalstrømmer, migrasjon, informasjonsspredning og ...
    • Government Spending and the Taylor Principle 

      Natvik, Gisle James (Working Papers;11/2006, Working paper, 2006)
      This paper explores how government size affects the scope for equilibrium indeterminacy in a New Keynesian economy where part of the population live hand-to-mouth. I find that in this framework, a larger public sector may ...
    • Government Spending Shocks and Rule-Of-Thumb Consumers: The Role of Steady State Inequality 

      Natvik, Gisle James (Working Papers;14/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      Galí, López-Salido, and Vallés (2007) suggest that because part of the population follow a rule-of-thumb by which they spend their entire disposable income each period, private consumption responds positively to deficit-financed ...
    • Government support schemes during the Covid-19 pandemic have had a dampening effect on corporate credit risk 

      Hjelseth, Ida Nervik; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn H. (Staff Memo;3/2021, Working paper, 2021)
      After the Covid-19 pandemic broke out, the authorities have introduced a number of measures aimed at the business sector. Support has largely been given to the sectors hardest hit by the pandemic and measures to contain ...
    • Granular credit risk 

      Galaasen, Sigurd; Jamilov, Rustam; Rey, Hélène; Juelsrud, Ragnar (Working Paper;15/2020, Working paper, 2020)
      What is the impact of granular credit risk on banks and on the economy? We provide the first causal identification of single-name counterparty exposure risk in bank portfolios by applying a new empirical approach on an ...
    • Greater Adaptability in the Norwegian Oil Service Industry 

      Brander, Anna Sandvig; Brekke, Henriette; Naug, Bjørn E. (Economic Commentaries;4/2016, Others, 2016)
      The Norwegian oil service industry has recently experienced a considerable fall in demand. The effects of this decline on the Norwegian economy will partly depend on the adaptability of the oil service industry. This article ...
    • Grunnbalansen / The Basic Balance 

      Lund, Kathrine (Staff Memo;7/2009, Working paper, 2009)
      Vi skal i dette notatet se nærmere på den såkalte grunnbalansen. Grunnbalansen tar hensyn til at deler av petroleumsinntektene plasseres i utenlandsk valuta. Den gir et bedre bilde av opphavet til etterspørsel etter og ...