• Norges Banks rolle på finanssektorområdet i perioden 1945–2013, med særlig vekt på finansiell stabilitet 

      Haare, Harald; Lund, Arild J.; Solheim, Jon A. (Norges Banks Skriftserie;48, Book, 2015)
    • Norges Banks stresstest i Finansiell stabilitet 2/10 sett opp mot bankenes fremskrivinger 

      Havro, Gøril Bjerkhol; Johansen, Rønnaug Melle; Ruud, Jørgen; Træe, Cathrine Bolstad (Journal article, 2011)
      I rapporten Finansiell stabilitet publiserer Norges Bank to ganger i året resultatene av makrostresstester hvor vi fremskriver bankenes kapitaldekning under ulike alternativer for den makroøkonomiske utviklingen. Høsten ...
    • Norges Banks system for å styre renten 

      Kran, Lars-Christian; Øwre, Grete (Journal article, 2001)
      I artikkelen gjør vi rede for hvordan Norges Bank foretar den praktiske implementeringen av pengepolitikken i pengemarkedet gjennom likviditetspolitikken. Likviditetspolitikken omfatter Norges Banks operasjoner i pengemarkedet ...
    • Norges Banks uavhengighet i etterkrigstida : En analyse av sentralbankens uavhengighet fra 1945 til 1970 i et komparativt perspektiv 

      Trøite, Ragnar (Staff Memo;22/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      I løpet av mellomkrigstida og andre verdenskrig ble forholdet mellom de politiske myndighetene og sentralbankene snudd på hodet i de fleste vestlige land. De sterke og uavhengige sentralbankene, representert ved markante ...
    • Norges Bank’s BEER Models for the Norwegian Effective Exchange Rate 

      Martinsen, Kjetil (Staff Memo;7/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      I revisit Norges Bank’s Behavioural Equilibrium Exchange Rate (BEER) models for the Norwegian effective exchange rate first introduced in Flatner et al. (2010) and extend the model framework in several directions. Two ...
    • Norges Bank’s Endogenous Interest Rate Path and Its Impact on Interest Rate Expectations 

      Syrstad, Olav; Rime, Dagfinn (Staff Memo;6/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Norges Bank has published its own forecasts for the key policy rate since 2005. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand introduced this practice as early as in 1997. Later, in 2007, the Swedish Riksbank also started to publish its ...
    • Norges Bank’s Financial Sector Role in the Period 1945-2013, with a Particular Focus on Financial Stability 

      Haare, Harald; Lund, Arild J.; Solheim, Jon A. (Staff Memo;9/2016, Working paper, 2016)
      This article is a slightly revised version of Chapter II (the summary) of Norges Bank’s Occasional Paper No. 48, published in Norwegian, which surveys financial sector developments and Norges Bank’s financial sector role ...
    • Norges Bank’s Money Market Survey in April 2013 

      Saakvitne, Jo (Economic Commentaries;6/2013, Others, 2013)
      In April 2013, Norges Bank conducted a survey of the Norwegian money market. This was the first time such a survey was conducted in Norway. The results provide new insights into a market that is essential to the Norwegian ...
    • Norges Bank’s New Monetary Policy Loss Function – Further Discussion 

      Evjen, Snorre; Kloster, Thea Birkeland (Staff Memo;11/2012, Working paper, 2012)
      Norges Bank’s Monetary Policy Report (MPR) 1/12 introduced amendments to the criteria for an appropriate interest rate path in order to explicitly take into account the risk of a buildup of financial imbalances. The monetary ...
    • Norges Bank’s Output Gap Estimates 

      Sturød, Marianne; Hagelund, Kåre (Staff Memo;8/2012, Working paper, 2012)
      The output gap quantifies aggregate capacity utilisation in the economy. Norges Bank’s output gap assessment starts with a trend calculation (HP filter) of mainland GDP. Such trend estimates are inherently subject to ...
    • Norges Bank’s Oversight of Payment Systems - Licensing and Supervision 

      Lund, May Helle; Watne, Kjetil (Journal article, 2000)
      Throughout the 1990s a number of international recommendations on risk reduction in payment systems have been drawn up. The most recent recommendations were issued by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in the ...
    • Norges Bank’s Printing Works – 190 Years of Banknote Production 

      Ravnsborg-Gjertsen, Peter; Sporastøyl, Jens Olav (Journal article, 2007)
      At the end of June 2007, Norges Bank’s Printing Works was shut down and banknote production in Norway came to an end. The decision to discontinue operations was made by the Executive Board in 2002. The first banknotes were ...
    • Norges Bank’s Regional Network: Fresh and Useful Information 

      Brekke, Henriette; Halvorsen, Kaj W. (Journal article, 2009)
      In order to obtain early signals about developments in the Norwegian economy, Norges Bank has established a regional network of around 1 500 enterprises and other organisations around the country. The information derived ...
    • Norges Bank’s Stress Test in Financial Stability 2/10 Compared with Banks’ Projections 

      Havro, Gøril Bjerkhol; Johansen, Rønnaug Melle; Ruud, Jørgen; Træe, Cathrine Bolstad (Journal article, 2011)
      In autumn 2010, at the request of Finanstilsynet, seven Norwegian banks projected their capital adequacy based on Norges Bank’s macro scenarios in Financial Stability 2/10. A summary of the results was included in Risk ...
    • Norges Bank’s Surveillance of Financial Stability 

      Eklund, Trond; Gulbrandsen, Bjarne (Journal article, 2000)
      This article presents the primary elements of the analyses performed by Norges Bank to monitor stability in the financial system. Section 1 explains briefly why Norges Bank performs these analyses. Section 2 examines ...
    • Norges Bank’s System for Managing Interest Rates 

      Kran, Lars-Christian; Øwre, Grete (Journal article, 2001)
      The article provides an account of Norges Bank’s practical implementation of monetary policy in the money market through liquidity policy. Liquidity policy consists of Norges Bank’s operations in the money market to influence ...
    • Norske aktørars risiko og risikohandtering i valutamarknaden 

      Bakke, Bjørn; Berner, Nathalie; Molland, Jermund (Journal article, 2011)
      Noreg har ein liten og open økonomi, og norske aktørar handlar mykje med valuta. Det er knytt risiko både til oppgjeret av handlane og til eksponeringar mot motparten før handlane vert gjorde opp. Dei siste åra er det teke ...
    • Norske bankars valutafinansiering av eigedelar i norske kroner 

      Molland, Jermund (Staff Memo;2/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Norske bankkonsern finansierar eigedelar i norske kroner ved å ta opp lån i utanlandsk valuta. Gjennom marknadane for valutabyter vekslar bankkonserna valuta til kroner og styrer likviditeten i ulike valutaer over tid. ...
    • Norske bankers tilpasning til økte kapitalkrav 

      Winje, Hanna; Turtveit, Lars-Tore (Staff Memo;14/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Bankene har de siste årene økt kapitaldekningen for å møte strengere krav fra myndighetene. I dette Staff Memoet ser vi på hvordan de største norske bankene har tilpasset seg økte kapitalkrav over de siste fem årene. Vi ...
    • Norske boligeiere har god gjeldsbetjeningsevne 

      Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Staff Memo;8/2022, Working paper, 2022)
      Gjeldsbetjeningsevne handler om å ha midler til å dekke utgifter til livsopphold og kostnader knyttet til å betjene lån. Vi bruker opplysninger på husholdningsnivå til å beregne et anslag på normale utgifter til livsopphold ...