• Norges Bank’s Surveillance of Financial Stability 

      Eklund, Trond; Gulbrandsen, Bjarne (Journal article, 2000)
      This article presents the primary elements of the analyses performed by Norges Bank to monitor stability in the financial system. Section 1 explains briefly why Norges Bank performs these analyses. Section 2 examines ...
    • Norges Bank’s System for Managing Interest Rates 

      Kran, Lars-Christian; Øwre, Grete (Journal article, 2001)
      The article provides an account of Norges Bank’s practical implementation of monetary policy in the money market through liquidity policy. Liquidity policy consists of Norges Bank’s operations in the money market to influence ...
    • Norske aktørars risiko og risikohandtering i valutamarknaden 

      Bakke, Bjørn; Berner, Nathalie; Molland, Jermund (Journal article, 2011)
      Noreg har ein liten og open økonomi, og norske aktørar handlar mykje med valuta. Det er knytt risiko både til oppgjeret av handlane og til eksponeringar mot motparten før handlane vert gjorde opp. Dei siste åra er det teke ...
    • Norske bankars valutafinansiering av eigedelar i norske kroner 

      Molland, Jermund (Staff Memo;2/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Norske bankkonsern finansierar eigedelar i norske kroner ved å ta opp lån i utanlandsk valuta. Gjennom marknadane for valutabyter vekslar bankkonserna valuta til kroner og styrer likviditeten i ulike valutaer over tid. ...
    • Norske bankers tilpasning til økte kapitalkrav 

      Winje, Hanna; Turtveit, Lars-Tore (Staff Memo;14/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Bankene har de siste årene økt kapitaldekningen for å møte strengere krav fra myndighetene. I dette Staff Memoet ser vi på hvordan de største norske bankene har tilpasset seg økte kapitalkrav over de siste fem årene. Vi ...
    • Norske boligeiere har god gjeldsbetjeningsevne 

      Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Staff Memo;8/2022, Working paper, 2022)
      Gjeldsbetjeningsevne handler om å ha midler til å dekke utgifter til livsopphold og kostnader knyttet til å betjene lån. Vi bruker opplysninger på husholdningsnivå til å beregne et anslag på normale utgifter til livsopphold ...
    • Norske finansmarkeder - pengepolitikk og finansiell stabilitet 

      Ukjent forfatter (Norges Banks Skriftserie;34, Book, 2004)
    • Norske kroner ingen trygg havn 

      Flatner, Alexander (Aktuell Kommentar;3/2009, Others, 2009)
      I denne kommentaren ser vi nærmere på hvilke valutaer som synes å ha vært trygg havn-valutaer siden finansuroen startet sommeren 2007.
    • Norway’s road to inflation targeting : Overcoming the fear of floating – counterfactual analyses of four episodes 

      Eitrheim, Øyvind; Qvigstad, Jan Fredrik; Kravik, Erling Motzfeldt; Mimir, Yasin (Occasional Papers;56/2020, Book, 2020)
      Norway suffered from a deep recession with a systemic banking crisis in the early 1990s. The prevailing fixed exchange rate system at that time had procyclical properties. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the German ...
    • Norwegian and International Yields in the 10 Year Segment 

      Berg, Sigbjørn Atle (Staff Memo;6/2016, Working paper, 2016)
      We investigate the relationship between the Norwegian 10 year Treasury yield and the corresponding yields in the major international markets, using both quarterly and monthly data. We find that the Norwegian yield is highly ...
    • Norwegian Banks in a Recession: Procyclical Implications of Basel II 

      Andersen, Henrik (Working Papers;4/2009, Working paper, 2009)
      While the new capital adequacy framework, Basel II, aims to make the banks’ capital requirements more sensitive to the underlying risk of the assets, it may also introduce an additional source of procyclicality in the ...
    • Norwegian Banks’ Adjustment to Stricter Capital and Liquidity Regulation 

      Aronsen, Per Atle; Erard, Monique E. Erlandsen; Nordal, Kjell Bjørn; Turtveit, Lars-Tore (Staff Memo;18/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Capital and liquidity requirements for Norwegian banks are being gradually tightened. This paper presents the alternatives Norwegian banks have for complying with stricter capital regulation and the forthcoming LCR. Norwegian ...
    • Norwegian Business Cycles 1982-2003 

      Husebø, Tore Anders; Wilhelmsen, Bjørn-Roger (Staff Memo;2/2005, Working paper, 2005)
      This paper analyses stylised facts regarding business cycles in Norway. We examine the empirical relationships between the aggregate business cycle and the cyclical components of individual macroeconomic time series. The ...
    • Norwegian Covered Bonds – a Rapidly Growing Market 

      Bakke, Bjørn; Rakkestad, Ketil Johan; Dahl, Geir Arne (Journal article, 2010)
      Covered bonds (OMFs) were introduced in Norway in June 2007 and have already become an important source of funding for Norwegian financial services groups and banking alliances. The volume outstanding in NOK and foreign ...
    • Norwegian Gross Domestic Product by Industry 1830 - 1930 

      Grytten, Ola Honningdal (Working Papers;19/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      The present paper offers new knowledge of historical national accounting in Norway in several ways. Firstly, a new and novel set of annual gross domestic product series by industry are presented for the period 1830-1930. ...
    • Norwegian homeowners’ debt-servicing capacity is adequate 

      Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro; Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Staff Memo;8/2022, Working paper, 2022)
      Debt-servicing capacity is a function of both available cash flow and the size of obligatory expenses. We use household level information to calculate normal expenses that cover food, other general consumption, electricity ...
    • Norwegian Interbank Market’s Response to Changes in Liquidity Policy 

      Akram, Q. Farooq; Findreng, Jon H. (Working Papers;7/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      We investigate pricing and activity in the Norwegian unsecured overnight interbank market in response to a shift in the central bank's liquidity policy. In October 2011, to encourage interbank trading, banks were allotted ...
    • Norwegian Krone No Safe Haven 

      Flatner, Alexander (Economic Commentaries;3/2009, Others, 2009)
      This Commentary examines the various currencies to identify those that seem to have been safe haven currencies since the start of the financial turmoil in summer 2007.
    • Norwegian Overnight Interbank Interest Rates 

      Akram, Q. Farooq; Christophersen, Casper (Staff Memo;1/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      This paper addresses the lack of reliable information about overnight interest rates in the Norwegian interbank market. We infer actual interest rates from interbank transactions recorded in the real-time gross settlement ...
    • The Norwegian overnight interbank market during the Covid pandemic 

      Akram, Q. Farooq; Findreng, Jon H.; Smith, Lyndsie (Working paper;8/2023, Working paper, 2023)
      We analyse the behaviour of the Norwegian unsecured overnight interbank market in response to heightened uncertainty and the central bank's liquidity support measures following the Covid-19 pandemic. The liquidity measures ...