Now showing items 1103-1122 of 2799

    • IMF i endring – lån fra Norges Bank 

      Jonassen, Morten; Støholen, Bente; Winje, Pål (Aktuell Kommentar;5/2009, Others, 2009)
      Det internasjonale valutafondet (IMF) er viktig i håndteringen av internasjonale økonomiske og finansielle kriser. Det siste året har IMF ytt lån til flere land som har kommet i eller kan komme i betalingsbalanseproblemer. ...
    • IMF som krisehåndterer og Norges lån til Fondet 

      Sand, Tove Katrine (Aktuell Kommentar;15/2012, Others, 2012)
      I denne kommentaren omtales IMFs rolle i eurokrisen og bakgrunnen for at Norge bidrar med lån til IMF. Det internasjonale valutafondet (IMF eller Fondet) er sentral i arbeidet med å dempe de økonomiske skadevirkningene av ...
    • IMF vurderer medlemslandenes finansielle systemer – Norge står for tur 

      Lund, Arild J.; Moe, Thorvald Grung (Aktuell Kommentar;1/2015, Others, 2015)
      Det internasjonale valutafondet - IMF - gjennomfører regelmessig grundige gjennomganger av medlemslandenes finansielle systemer. I år gjør IMF en slik vurdering av det finansielle systemet i Norge. Formålet med Financial ...
    • IMFs stresstesting av norsk finansiell sektor 

      Hagen, Jan; Lund, Arild J.; Nordal, Kjell Bjørn; Steffensen, Emil (Journal article, 2005)
      Etter en grundig gjennomgang av Norges finansielle system har IMF konkludert med at systemet er solid og under god styring. Sårbarheten er på kort sikt liten. Konklusjonen er blant annet basert på såkalte stresstester av ...
    • Immigration and the Macroeconomy: Some New Empirical Evidence 

      Furlanetto, Francesco; Robstad, Ørjan (Working Papers;18/2016, Working paper, 2016)
      We propose a new VAR identification scheme that enables us to disentangle immigration shocks from other macroeconomic shocks. Identification is achieved by imposing sign restrictions on Norwegian data over the period 1990Q1 ...
    • The impact of financial shocks on the forecast distribution of output and inflation 

      Forni, Mario; Gambetti, Luca; Maffei-Faccioli, Nicolò; Sala, Luca (Working paper;3/2023, Working paper, 2023)
      Financial shocks represent a major driver of fluctuations in tail risk, defined as the 5th percentile of the forecast distributions of output and inflation. Since the variance and the asymmetry of the forecast distributions ...
    • Implementing and Communicating Optimal Monetary Policy 

      Holmsen, Amund; Qvigstad, Jan F.; Røisland, Øistein (Staff Memo;3/2007, Working paper, 2007)
      The interest rate forecast plays a key role in the communication of monetary policy in Norges Bank. We give a comprehensive overview of the Bank’s communication with focus on the interest rate forecast. The main arguments ...
    • Implementing the Zero Lower Bound in an Estimated Regime-Switching DSGE Model 

      Binning, Andrew; Maih, Junior (Working Papers;3/2016, Working paper, 2016)
      The Zero Lower Bound (ZLB) on policy rates is one of the key monetary policy issues du jour. In this paper we investigate the problem of modelling and estimating the ZLB in a simple New Keynesian model with regime switches. ...
    • Implications of Insights from Behavioral Economics for Macroeconomic Models 

      Holden, Steinar (Working Papers;12/2012, Working paper, 2012)
      The last 20 years, the importance of a number of behavioral features has been widely accepted within economics, and they are now regularly included in standard macro models. Where has this development led us? I argue that ...
    • Implicit Intraday Interest Rate in the UK Unsecured Overnight Money Market 

      Jurgilas, Marius; Žikeš, Filip (Working Papers;9/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      This paper estimates the intraday value of money implicit in the UK unsecured overnight money market. Using transactions data on overnight loans advanced through the UK large value payments system CHAPS in 2003-2009, we ...
    • Improving and Evaluating Short Term Forecasts at the Norges Bank 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Jore, Anne Sofie; Smith, Christie; Thorsrud, Leif Anders (Staff Memo;4/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      In 2006 the Norges Bank initiated a project to improve its short term forecasts. The current phase of the project is tasked with developing a system that provides model-based forecasts for gross domestic product and consumer ...
    • Increased Cash Holdings – Reduced Use of Cash: A Paradox? 

      Gresvik, Olaf; Kaloudis, Aris (Journal article, 2001)
      Outstanding cash holdings in Norway have increased in real terms since 1980 and now amount to about NOK 10 000 per person. We can only ascribe between 37 and 47 per cent of cash holdings to legal, registered, quantifiable ...
    • Increased Gas Exports, but What About Prices? 

      Winje, Pål; Naug, Bjørn E.; Stavseng, Astrid (Economic Commentaries;4/2011, Others, 2011)
      Gas exports account for a rising share of Norwegian petroleum revenues. International gas spot prices have traditionally tracked oil prices with a lag. After the financial crisis, international gas prices remained low ...
    • Increased growth in broad money after the outbreak of Covid-19 

      Alstadheim, Ragna (Staff Memo;10/2022, Working paper, 2022)
      Growth in deposits and broad money aggregates surged in Norway after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Usually, we think of deposit (or money) growth as going hand in hand with bank lending growth, since only banks ...
    • Independence Within Government. A Comparative Perspective on Central Banking in Norway 1945-1970 

      Venneslan, Christian; Trøite, Ragnar; Kleivset, Christoffer; Klunde, Bastian Engelsen (Working Papers;20/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      This article surveys the degree of central bank independence in Norway between 1945 and 1970. By comparing the developments in Norway with those of Sweden and the United Kingdom, it is shown that the Norwegian central bank ...
    • Indicators for Underlying Inflation in Norway 

      Jonassen, Morten; Nordbø, Einar W. (Journal article, 2006)
      A central bank that is to steer inflation ahead in time seeks to exclude temporary price variations when setting policy rates. At a given point in time, it is not that easy to determine which price changes are permanent ...
    • Indikatorar for underliggjande inflasjon i Noreg 

      Husabø, Eilert (Staff Memo;13/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      Noregs Bank driv fleksibel inflasjonsstyring. Pengepolitikken forsøker då ikkje nødvendigvis å styre dagens inflasjon mot inflasjonsmålet, men å innrette pengepolitikken slik at prognosane for framtidig inflasjon går mot ...
    • Indikatorer for underliggende inflasjon i Norge 

      Jonassen, Morten; Nordbø, Einar W. (Journal article, 2006)
      En sentralbank som skal styre prisutviklingen fremover i tid, vil ønske å se bort fra midlertidige forstyrrelser i prisene når den fastsetter renten. På et gitt tidspunkt er det imidlertid ikke så lett å avgjøre hvilke ...
    • Inference in small cointegrated systems: some Monte Carlo results 

      Eitrheim, Øyvind (Working Papers;9/1991, Working paper, 1991)
      The Johansen procedure for testing and estimating cointegration models is analysed from a practitioner's perspective. We adress the robustness of the cointegration tests in small samples and with respect to particular types ...
    • Inferring Interbank Loans and Interest Rates from Interbank Payments - an Evaluation 

      Akram, Q. Farooq; Christophersen, Casper (Working Papers;26/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      We investigate whether overnight interbank loans and interest rates can be reliably inferred at the market and bank level from central banks' interbank payments data. We identify overnight loans and interest rates among ...