Blar i Norges Banks vitenarkiv på tittel
Viser treff 1420-1439 av 2903
Macro Effects of Capital Requirements and Macroprudential Policy
(Working Papers;21/2012, Working paper, 2012)I investigate macro effects of higher bank capital requirements on the Norwegian economy and their use as a macroprudential policy instrument under Basel III. To this end, I develop a macroeconometric model where the capital ... -
Macro Modelling with Many Models
(Working Papers;15/2009, Working paper, 2009)We argue that the next generation of macro modellers at Inflation Targeting central banks should adapt a methodology from the weather forecasting literature known as `ensemble modelling'. In this approach, uncertainty about ... -
Macro trends and long-horizon returns
(Discussion Note;1/2023, Others, 2023) -
Macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy under an energy supply shock
(Working paper;3/2024, Working paper, 2024)We study the potential effects on the real economy and welfare of four fiscal policy responses to an energy supply shock: energy vouchers to all households, only to lowincome households, or to non-energy goods producers, ... -
The macroeconomic effects of forward communication
(Working Paper;20/2019, Working paper, 2019)This paper provides an empirical assessment of the power of forward guidance at different horizons, shedding new light on the strength of the “forward guidance puzzle”. Our identification strategy allows us to disentangle ... -
Macroeconomic effects of the gender revolution
(Working paper;19/2024, Working paper, 2024)U.S. labor market data exhibit a major, secular decline in the employment and wage gaps between males and females. In this paper, we identify the underlying, structural forces and quantify the spillover from this gender ... -
Macroeconomic Factors Strike Back: A Bayesian Change-Point Model of Time-Varying Risk Exposures and Premia in the U.S. Cross-Section
(Working Papers;19/2013, Working paper, 2013)This paper proposes a Bayesian estimation framework for a typical multi-factor model with time-varying risk exposures to macroeconomic risk factors and corresponding premia to price U.S. stocks and bonds. The model assumes ... -
Macroeconomic Shocks – Effects on Employment and Labour Supply
(Journal article, 2009)The labour supply in Norway was record-high in 2008. As the labour supply has grown, it has been responsive to changes in demand for labour. The analysis shows that labour supply is most elastic among those under 25 and ... -
A macroprudential contagion stress test framework
(Staff Memo;4/2020, Working paper, 2020)We develop a macroprudential contagion stress test framework to examine how a network of Norwegian banks can amplify a shock to bank capital at the macro level. The framework looks at how fire sales of common asset holdings ... -
Macroprudential Policy and Financial Stability
(Others, 2013) -
Macroprudential Regulation - What, Why and How?
(Staff Memo;13/2014, Working paper, 2014)This paper reviews recent literature on the theoretical foundations of macroprudential regulation. We identify six categories of market failures that give rise to macroprudential concerns; pecuniary externalities, ... -
Macroprudential Regulation and Monetary Policy
(Others, 2013) -
Making Use of the Central Bank
(Others, 2010) -
Makroregulering og finansiell stabilitet
(Others, 2013) -
Makroregulering og pengepolitikk
(Others, 2013) -
Makroøkonomiske sjokk – effekter på sysselsetting og arbeidstilbud
(Journal article, 2009)Det norske arbeidstilbudet var i 2008 på sitt høyeste registrerte nivå, målt som andel av befolkningen mellom 16 og 74 år. Samtidig som arbeidstilbudet har vokst over tid, har tilbudet vært fleksibelt ved endringer i ... -
Makroøkonomiske virkninger av høyere kapitalkrav for bankene
(Staff Memo;14/2011, Working paper, 2011)EU-kommisjonens forslag til nytt kapitaldirektiv (CRD IV) inneholder blant annet strengere minstekrav til kapital og et forslag om å innføre en motsyklisk kapitalbuffer. Direktivet skal etter planen innføres fra 2013 og ... -
Management of Financial Crises in Cross-Border Banks
(Journal article, 2004)Financial integration in Europe is increasing. The emergence of large, cross-border banks poses new challenges to the authorities. The management of financial crises in such banks will involve a number of authorities in ... -
Management of the Government Pension Fund - Global
(Others, 2009) -
Management of the Government Pension Fund Global
(Others, 2021)