Browsing Norges Banks vitenarkiv by Title
Now showing items 1809-1828 of 2800
Obligasjoner med fortrinnsrett – et marked i sterk vekst
(Journal article, 2010)I juni 2007 ble det åpnet for å utstede obligasjoner med fortrinnsrett (OMF) i Norge. OMF har allerede blitt en viktig finansieringskilde for norske finanskonsern og bankallianser. Utestående volum i norske kroner og fremmed ... -
Offentlige finanser – den krevende veien tilbake til en bærekraftig situasjon
(Aktuell Kommentar;2/2010, Others, 2010)For å begrense fallet i produksjon og sysselsetting som følge av finanskrisen iverksatte myndigheter verden over omfattende penge- og finanspolitiske tiltak. Mange stater gikk også inn med kapital for å bedre bankenes ... -
Oil - Economic Policy Challenges
(Others, 2003) -
Oil - Natural Resource and Financial Asset
(Others, 2002) -
Oil and Macroeconomic (In)Stability
(Working Papers;12/2016, Working paper, 2016)We analyze the role of oil price volatility in reducing U.S. macroeconomic instability. Using a Markov Switching Rational Expectation New-Keynesian model we revisit the timing of the Great Moderation and the sources of ... -
Oil and the Norwegian Economy – the Challenges Ahead
(Others, 2015) -
Oil and Us GDP: A Real-Time Out-Of-Sample Examination
(Working Papers;18/2010, Working paper, 2010)We study the real-time Granger-causal relationship between crude oil prices and US GDP growth through a simulated out-of-sample (OOS) forecasting exercise; we also provide strong evidence of in-sample predictability from ... -
Oil Price Density Forecasts: Exploring the Linkages with Stock Markets
(Working Papers;24/2012, Working paper, 2012)In the recent years several commentators hinted at an increase of the correlation between equity and commodity prices, and blamed investment in commodity-related products for this. First, this paper investigates such claims ... -
Oil price drivers, geopolitical uncertainty and oil exporters’ currencies
(Working Paper;15/2019, Working paper, 2019)Empirical relationships between crude oil prices and exchange rates of oil exporting countries tend to vary over time. I use econometric models of the norwegian and canadian nominal exchange rates to investigate whether ... -
Oil Price Shocks and Monetary Policy in a Data-Rich Environment
(Working Papers;10/2013, Working paper, 2013)This paper examines the impact of different types of oil price shocks on the U.S. economy, using a factor-augmented VAR (FAVAR) approach. The results indicate that when examining the effects of oil price shocks, it is ... -
Oil Price Shocks and Stock Market Booms in an Oil Exporting Country
(Working Papers;16/2008, Working paper, 2008)This paper analyses the effects of oil price shocks on stock returns in Norway, an oil exporting country, highlighting the transmission channels of oil prices for macroeconomic behaviour. To capture the interaction between ... -
Oil Price Shocks and the Norwegian Effective Exchange Rate – an SVAR Approach
(Staff Memo;16/2016, Working paper, 2016)We employ a structural VAR model to investigate direct and indirect effects of oil price changes on the Norwegian effective exchange rate (I44). The model is estimated on different subsamples and with different model ... -
Oil Prices, Cyclical Developments and Monetary Policy
(Others, 2004) -
Oil Revenues, Monetary Policy and Economic Cycles
(Others, 2002) -
Oil Wealth and Real Exchange Rates: The FEER for Norway
(Working Papers;16/2004, Working paper, 2004)It is often argued that Norway’s sizeable net foreign assets based on its petroleum wealth imply an appreciation of its real exchange rate to a permanently strong level. We investigate this issue within the framework of ... -
Olje på bok og olje på rot
(Others, 2002) -
Oljeinntekter, pengepolitikk og konjunkturer
(Others, 2002) -
Oljen - utfordringer for den økonomiske politikken
(Others, 2003) -
Oljepris og lønnsutvikling i K-sektor
(Staff Memo;8/2016, Working paper, 2016)I denne artikkelen foretas en økonometrisk analyse av lønnsdannelsen i verfts- og verkstedindustrien og i øvrig industri ved hjelp av årlige data for perioden 1980–2014. I tillegg til å ta hensyn til egen lønnsomhetsutvikling, ... -
Oljepris, konjunkturer og pengepolitikk
(Others, 2004)