Now showing items 2279-2298 of 2799

    • Risks and Rewards of Inflation-Linked Bonds 

      Unknown author (Discussion note;10/2012, Others, 2012)
      Inflation-linked bonds are fixed-income securities whose principal and coupons are linked to price indices. They are designed to eliminate the risk of unexpected inflation to the holders of the bonds. In this discussion ...
    • Robust-Satisficing Monetary Policy Under Parameter Uncertainty 

      Akram, Q. Farooq; Ben-Haim, Yakov; Eitrheim, Øyvind (Working Papers;14/2007, Working paper, 2007)
      We employ the robust-satisficing approach to derive robust monetary policy when parameters of a macro model are uncertain. There is a trade-off between robustness of policies and their performance. Hence, under uncertainty, ...
    • Robustifying Optimal Monetary Policy in Norway 

      Mæhlum, Mathis (Staff Memo;17/2012, Working paper, 2012)
      Monetary policy is usually modelled as either simple rules or optimal policy. While the former are often seen as incomplete and unrealistic for practical policymaking, the latter can yield catastrophy should the policymaker ...
    • Robustifying Optimal Monetary Policy Using Simple Rules as Cross-Checks 

      Ilbas, Pelin; Røisland, Øistein; Sveen, Tommy (Working Papers;22/2012, Working paper, 2012)
      There are two main approaches to modelling monetary policy; simple instrument rules and optimal policy. We propose an alternative that combines the two by extending the loss function with a term penalizing deviations from ...
    • The role of closing auctions in well-functioning markets 

      Unknown author (The Asset Manager Perspective;2/2020, Others, 2020)
      The growth in volume share at the close of the trading day has been well documented in the literature. Beyond their positive contribution to end-of-day price discovery, closing auctions have become significant liquidity ...
    • Role of Exchanges in Well-Functioning Markets 

      Unknown author (Asset Manager Perspective;2/2015, Others, 2015)
      Stock exchanges play a central role in facilitating the funding of firms and promoting investment and wealth creation. They provide two key services to economic growth and capital markets – policing of listing privileges ...
    • Rule-Of-Thumb Consumers, Productivity and Hours 

      Furlanetto, Francesco; Seneca, Martin (Working Papers;5/2007, Working paper, 2007)
      In this paper we study the transmission mechanisms of productivity shocks in a model with rule-of-thumb consumers. In the literature, this financial friction has been studied only with reference to fiscal shocks. We show ...
    • Salience of Debt and Homebuyers’ Credit Decisions 

      Agarwal, Sumit; Karapetyan, Artashes (Working Papers;21/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      We show how a regulatory disclosure of hidden debt can eliminate a large mispricing in housing. In a setting where homebuyers must combine several sources of debt, they are biased towards hidden loans, especially if they ...
    • Samfunnets besparelse ved overgang til elektronisk faktura 

      Haare, Harald (Staff Memo;7/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Norge har et effektivt betalingssystem sammenlignet med de fleste andre land. Dette er dokumentert gjennom Norges Banks kostnadsundersøkelser og i bankens årsrapporter om betalingssystem. Det er likevel rom for forbedringer. ...
    • Sammenhengen mellom styringsrenten og makroøkonomiske variable : noen enkle ligninger for Norge 

      Bernhardsen, Tom; Bårdsen, Gunnar (Staff Memo;2/2004, Working paper, 2004)
      Sentralbanker med fleksibel inflasjonsstyring setter renten ut fra utsiktene for inflasjon og produksjon og sysselsetting. Utsiktene påvirkes av løpende informasjon om den økonomiske utviklingen. Fra utsiden vil analytikere ...
    • Sammenhengen mellom styringsrenten og pengemarkedsrentene 

      Bache, Ida Wolden; Bernhardsen, Tom (Aktuell Kommentar;2/2009, Others, 2009)
    • Sammenhengen mellom styringsrenten og pengemarkedsrentene : 2007-2012 

      Bernhardsen, Tom (Aktuell Kommentar;2/2012, Others, 2012)
      I denne kommentaren vises det at endringer i styringsrenten har hatt bredt gjennomslag til pengemarkedsrentene i Norge og andre land, og at risikopåslagene i pengemarkedsrentene er uavhengig av endringer i styringsrenten. ...
    • Sammenligning av nordiske og norske banker basert på ulike soliditetsmål 

      Syversten, Bjørne Dyre H. (Aktuell Kommentar;9/2012, Others, 2012)
      Basel II-regelverket åpnet for at banker, etter godkjennelse av nasjonale tilsynsmyndigheter, kunne bruke interne modeller (IRB-modeller) for kapitaldekningsformål. Målsetningen var at kapitaldekningsmålet i bedre grad ...
    • Sammenlikning av gjeldsbelastningen i fire nordiske land 

      Reiakvam, Lisa K.; Solheim, Haakon (Staff Memo;5/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      Vi sammenligner husholdningers gjeldsbelastning på tvers av land. Spesielt vektlegger vi forskjellene mellom de nordiske landene. Vi finner at forskjeller i nivået på gjeldsbelastning mellom land er systematiske over tid, ...
    • Sammenlikning av norske bankers kapitaldekning 

      Andersen, Henrik (Journal article, 2010)
      For å få et bedre grunnlag for å sammenlikne bankenes soliditet benytter jeg i denne artikkelen den samme metoden til å beregne kapitaldekningen i alle de norske bankene. Basel II gir bankene adgang til å velge mellom ulike ...
    • Savers, Spenders and Fiscal Policy in a Small Open Economy 

      Matsen, Egil; Sveen, Tommy; Torvik, Ragnar (Working Papers;18/2004, Working paper, 2004)
      This paper analyzes the effects of fiscal policy in an open economy. We extend the savers-spenders theory of Mankiw (2000) to a small open economy with endogenous labor supply. We first show how the Dornbusch (1983) ...
    • The Saving and Employment Effects of Higher Job Loss Risk 

      Juelsrud, Ragnar E.; Wold, Ella Getz (Working Paper;17/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      In this paper we use Norwegian tax data and a novel natural experiment to isolate the impact of job loss risk on saving behavior. We find that a one percentage point increase in job loss risk increases liquid savings by ...