Now showing items 2379-2398 of 2799

    • Strategic Interaction Between the Fiscal and Monetary Authorities Under Inflation Targeting 

      Leitemo, Kai (Working Papers;9/2000, Working paper, 2000)
      This paper studies the strategic interaction between the fiscal and monetary authorities when the monetary policymaker pursues an underlying inflation target. Given that monetary policy is transparent and the fiscal ...
    • Strategic Investor Behaviour and the Volume-Volatility Relation in Equity Markets 

      Næs, Randi; Skjeltorp, Johannes A. (Working Papers;9/2003, Working paper, 2003)
      We examine the volume-volatility relation using detailed data from a limit order driven equity market. Estimates of the intraday slope of the demand and supply schedules of the order book are found to capture regularities ...
    • Strategirapport for petroleumsfondet (Fra 1.1.2006 Statens pensjonsfond - Utland) 

      Unknown author (Staff Memo;3/2006, Working paper, 2006)
      Vi skal belyse egenskapene ved dagens strategiske referanseportefølje og ved aktuelle alternativer. For å komme fram til hvilke egenskaper vi bør se på, diskuterer vi først fondets målfunksjon. De politiske myndigheter har ...
    • Strategisk allokering i valutareservene 

      Unknown author (Staff Memo;1/2004, Working paper, 2004)
      Sentralbanksjefens stab for kapitalforvaltning (SSK) foretar med jevne mellomrom en gjennomgang av grunnlaget for den investeringsstrategien som er valgt for valutareservene. Analysene i dette notatet er basert på data ...
    • Strategy Report - The Norwegian Government Pension Fund - Global 

      Unknown author (Staff Memo;1/2007, Working paper, 2007)
      Our report on “Long term market outlook” discussed the future market conditions both in the bond and equity markets, where the Pension Fund is currently invested, and in alternative asset classes, where the Fund may invest ...
    • Stress Testing in Norges Bank Before and During the Crisis - an Overview 

      Havro, Gøril Bjerkhol (Economic Commentaries;5/2010, Others, 2010)
      Stress testing is a central tool in assessing the outlook for and risks to financial stability, and a tool that has received increased attention in connection with the global financial crisis. Since 2004, Norges Bank has ...
    • Stress Testing of Banks’ Profit and Capital Adequacy 

      Andersen, Henrik; Berge, Tor Oddvar (Journal article, 2008)
      A model system for stress testing financial stability is being developed at Norges Bank. In this article, we present two of the models in this system: a macroeconomic model and a bank model. The macro model simulates ...
    • Stress Testing the Enterprise Sector's Bank Debt - a Micro Approach 

      Bernhardsen, Eivind; Syversten, Bjørne Dyre H. (Staff Memo;5/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      This paper describes Norges Bank’s micro stress testing framework for assessing the Norwegian banking sector’s losses on loans to the non-financial enterprise sector. Using projected macro variables and a stock-flow approach, ...
    • Stresstesting av bankenes resultater og kapitaldekning 

      Andersen, Henrik; Berge, Tor Oddvar (Journal article, 2008)
      I Norges Bank utvikles det et modellsystem for stresstesting av finansiell stabilitet. I denne artikkelen presenterer vi to av modellene i dette systemet: en makroøkonomisk modell og en bankmodell for å analysere utviklingen ...
    • Strong Growth in Consumer Credit 

      Hagen, Marius; Turtveit, Lars-Tore (Economic Commentaries;1/2017, Others, 2017)
      Consumer credit has grown rapidly in recent years. While consumer credit accounts for a small share of total household debt, it represents a substantial portion of household sector credit losses. Tax assessment data indicate ...
    • Structural Factors, Unemployment and Monetary Policy: The Useful Role of the Natural Rate of Interest 

      Furlanetto, Francesco; Gelain, Paolo (Working Papers;17/2016, Working paper, 2016)
      We study the role of monetary policy in response to variations in unemployment due to structural factors, modeled as exogenous changes in matching efficiency and in the size of the labor force. We find that monetary policy ...
    • Structural Liquidity 

      Aamodt, Ellen; Tafjord, Kristian (Economic Commentaries;9/2013, Others, 2013)
      Structural liquidity refers to the level of reserves in the banking system prior to market operations by Norges Bank to supply or drain reserves from the banking system. Only the central bank can create reserves. However, ...
    • Strukturell likviditet 

      Aamodt, Ellen; Tafjord, Kristian (Aktuell Kommentar;9/2013, Others, 2013)
      Strukturell likviditet er nivået på reservene i banksystemet før Norges Bank gjennomfører markedsoperasjoner for å tilføre eller trekke reserver ut av banksystemet. Det er bare sentralbanken som kan skape reserver. Staten, ...
    • Strukturendringer i finansnæringen - Norges Banks rolle 

      Bergo, Jarle; Solheim, Jon A. (Journal article, 2003)
      Norges Bank uttaler seg om strukturendringer i hovedsak når disse vurderes som viktige for finansiell stabilitet, som ved en mulig etablering av finanskonsernet DnB NOR ASA. Norges Banks rolle og arbeid med strukturendringer ...
    • Styringsrenten holdes uendret 

      Bache, Ida Wolden (Others, 2024)
    • Stø kurs i pengepolitikken : kronikk i Dagens Næringsliv 

      Olsen, Øystein (Chronicle, 2018-05-14)
    • Sunshine Trading: Flashes of Trading Intent at the Nasdaq 

      Skjeltorp, Johannes A.; Sojli, Elvira; Tham, Wing Wah (Working Papers;17/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      We use the introduction and the subsequent removal of the flash order facility (an actionable indication of interest, IOI) from Nasdaq as a natural experiment to investigate the impact of voluntary disclosure of trading ...
    • Supply Flexibility in the Shale Patch: Evidence from North Dakota 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Nordvik, Frode Martin; Rohrer, Maximilian (Working Papers;9/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      We question whether supply flexibility in oil production depends on the type of extraction technology. In particular, we ask if shale oil producers respond to price incentives when producing oil or completing new wells. ...
    • Supply Restrictions, Subprime Lending and Regional US House Prices 

      Anundsen, André K.; Heebøll, Christian (Working Papers;18/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      With regard to the recent US house price cycle, we analyze how the interaction between housing supply restrictions, mortgage credit constraints and a price-to-price feedback loop affects house price volatility. Considering ...
    • Sustainable Household Debt : Towards an Operational View and Framework 

      Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro (Staff Memo;33/2012, Working paper, 2012)
      From a broad financial stability perspective, sustainable household debt should be evaluated within a steady-state consumption-path approach. We calculate measures for households’ steady-state consumption based on average ...