Now showing items 630-649 of 2799

    • Evaluation of Norges Bank’s Projections for 2016 

      Unknown author (Norges Bank Papers;3/2017, Report, 2017)
      Norges Bank's projections for inflation and economic developments are an important basis for the formulation of monetary policy. Analyses of forecast errors can help Norges Bank to make better projections and improve its ...
    • Evaluation of Norges Bank’s projections for 2017 

      Unknown author (Norges Bank Papers;3/2018, Report, 2019)
      Norges Bank's projections for economic developments, both in Norway and among Norway's main trading partners are an important basis for the formulation of monetary policy. Evaluations and analyses of forecast errors can ...
    • Evaluation of Norges Bank’s Projections in 2012 

      Unknown author (Norges Bank Papers;2/2013, Report, 2013)
      Norges Bank's projections of inflation and economic developments form an important basis for interest rate setting. An evaluation of the projections can provide us with increased insight into the functioning of the economy ...
    • Evaluering av Regionalt nettverk 

      Brander, Anna Sandvig; Brekke, Henriette; Naug, Bjørn E.; Eger, Fredrikke (Staff Memo;3/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      Norges Banks regionale nettverk gir viktig informasjon om utviklingen i norsk økonomi. Vi viser at nettverkets tall for faktisk og forventet vekst i produksjon og sysselsetting gir gode anslag for produksjons- og ...
    • Evidence of a Change in Banks’ Lending Practices After the Financial Crisis 

      Solheim, Haakon; Vatne, Bjørn Helge (Economic Commentaries;3/2014, Others, 2014)
      We analyse the behaviour of Norwegian households using tax return data that covers debt, income, financial assets and housing wealth. In the period from 2004 to 2008 borrowing in Norwegian households increased significantly. ...
    • Exchange Rate Forecasting, Order Flow and Macroeconomic Information 

      Rime, Dagfinn; Sarno, Lucio; Sojli, Elvira (Working Papers;2/2007, Working paper, 2007)
      This paper investigates the empirical relation between order flow and macroeconomic information in the foreign exchange market, and the ability of microstructure models based on order flow to outperform a naive random walk ...
    • Exchange Rate Regimes in Norway 1816-2016 

      Alstadheim, Ragna (Staff Memo;15/2016, Working paper, 2016)
      An overview of exchange rate regimes in Norway since 1816 is provided in a table which is divided into five sections; corresponding to the parts of the Norwegian monetary history defined and discussed in Eitrheim, Klovland ...
    • Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and the Global Carry Trade 

      Evans, Martin D. D.; Rime, Dagfinn (Working Papers;14/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      We empirically examine how the global carry trade affects the dynamics of spot exchange rates and interest rates across 13 countries from 2000, through the world financial crisis, until the end of 2011. Our model identifies ...
    • Executive Labor Market Frictions, Corporate Bankruptcy and CEO Careers 

      Grindaker, Morten; Kostøl, Andreas R.; Roszbach, Kasper (Working paper;15/2021, Working paper, 2021)
      CEOs of large firms filing for bankruptcy are more likely to exit the executive labor market after bankruptcy and experience substantial compensation losses (Eckbo et al., 2016). While the fear of reputational scarring can ...
    • Expectations switching in a DSGE model of the UK 

      Borge, Anette; Bårdsen, Gunnar; Maih, Junior (Working Paper;4/2020, Working paper, 2020)
      Rational expectations (RE) has been dominant both in the economic literature and in the macromodels routinely used in central banks. The RE assumption has recently come under attack as one of the drawbacks of the Dynamic ...
    • Expected returns on a multi-asset portfolio 

      Unknown author (Discussion Note;1/2022, Others, 2022)
    • Experience with the Monetary Policy Framework in Norway Since 2001 

      Unknown author (Norges Bank Papers;1/2017, Report, 2017)
    • Experiences with the Financial Crisis 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Others, 2009)
    • Explaining Deviations from Okun’s Law 

      Foroni, Claudia; Furlanetto, Francesco (Working paper;4/2022, Working paper, 2022)
      Despite its stability over time, as for any statistical relationship, Okun’s law is subject to deviations that can be large at times. In this paper, we provide a mapping between residuals in Okun’s regressions and structural ...
    • Explaining Interest Rate Decisions When the MPC Members Believe in Different Stories 

      Claussen, Carl Andreas; Røisland, Øistein (Working Papers;7/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      Modern central banks do not only announce the interest rate decision, they also communicate a "story" that explains why they reached the particular decision. When decisions are made by a committee, it could be difficult ...
    • Explaining Movements in the Norwegian Exchange Rate 

      Akram, Q. Farooq; Brunvatne, Kari-Mette; Eitrheim, Øyvind; Gulbrandsen, Kristin; Kloster, Arne; Lokshall, Raymond; Naug, Bjørn E.; Rime, Dagfinn; Røisland, Øistein; Sveen, Tommy; Torvik, Ragnar (Occasional Papers;32, Book, 2003)
    • Explaining the Boom-Bust Cycle in the U.S. Housing Market: A Reverse-Engineering Approach 

      Gelain, Paolo; Lansing, Kevin J.; Natvik, Gisle James (Working Papers;11/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      We use a simple quantitative asset pricing model to "reverse-engineer" the sequences of stochastic shocks to housing demand and lending standards that are needed to exactly replicate the boom-bust patterns in U.S. household ...
    • Explaining the Low US Inflation – Coincidence or “New Economy”? Evidence Based on a Wage-Price Spiral 

      Claussen, Carl Andreas; Staehr, Karsten (Working Papers;2/2001, Working paper, 2001)
      We study possible factors behind the subdued inflation in the United States since the mid-1990s. A standard expectations-augmented Phillips curve does not exhibit structural breaks. However, a wage-price spiral comprising ...
    • External Price Impulses to Imported Consumer Goods 

      Røstøen, Johan Øverseth (Journal article, 2004)
      The low consumer price inflation in Norway may largely be explained by the sharp fall in prices for imported goods, which is a result of a price fall in other countries and an appreciation of the krone. The increase in ...