• Scale Economies, Bank Mergers, and Electronic Payments: A Spline Function Approach 

      Humphrey, David B.; Vale, Bent (Working Papers;5/2003, Working paper, 2003)
      This paper demonstrates the importance of using a flexible cost function specification when analyzing economies of scale and estimating the cost effect of banking mergers. The inflexibility of the translog cost function ...
    • Schweigaard Lecture 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Others, 2010)
    • Schweigaard-forelesningen 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Others, 2010)
    • Sectoral Interdependence and Business Cycle Synchronization in Small Open Economies 

      Bergholt, Drago; Sveen, Tommy (Working Papers;4/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Existing DSGE models are not able to reproduce the observed influence of international business cycles on small open economies. We construct a two-sector New Keynesian model to address this puzzle. The set-up takes into ...
    • Securities Settlement in Norway 

      Husevåg, Vigdis; Bjerkeland, Kristin M. (Journal article, 2003)
      The Norwegian securities settlement system was modernised in the spring of 2003, and the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (VPS), which had been a foundation, became a public limited company. Services related to ...
    • Seddeldestruksjon utenfor sentralbanken 

      Veggum, Leif; Natvig, Peder (Journal article, 2002)
      Norsk Kontantservice AS ble etablert i 2001, og har i tillegg til seddelforsyning og andre tjenester for bankene også fått i oppdrag å destruere utslitte sedler for Norges Bank. Vi er ikke kjent med at andre sentralbanker ...
    • Seddeltrykkeriet – en 190 års historie 

      Ravnsborg-Gjertsen, Peter; Sporastøyl, Jens Olav (Journal article, 2007)
      I løpet av juni 2007 avvikles Norges Banks Seddeltrykkeri, og dermed opphører egen produksjon av sedler i Norge. De første sedlene ble levert året etter opprettelsen av Norges Bank i 1816. Det er således trykt sedler i ...
    • Segmented Money Markets and Covered Interest Parity Arbitrage 

      Rime, Dagfinn; Schrimpf, Andreas; Syrstad, Olav (Working Papers;15/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      This paper studies the violation of the most basic no-arbitrage condition in international finance — Covered Interest Parity (CIP). We find that the CIP puzzle largely stems from funding liquidity differences, reflected ...
    • Sensitivity of the Eisenberg-Noe Clearing Vector to Individual Interbank Liabilities 

      Feinstein, Zachary; Pang, Weijie; Rudloff, Birgit; Schaanning, Eric; Sturm, Stephan; Wildman, Mackenzie (Working Papers;13/2017, Working paper, 2017)
      We quantify the sensitivity of the Eisenberg-Noe clearing vector to estimation errors in the bilateral liabilities of a financial system. The interbank liabilities matrix is a crucial input to the computation of the clearing ...
    • Sentralbanken i forandringens tegn : festskrift til Kjell Storvik 

      Bergo, Jarle; Bøhn, Harald; Ericsson, Neil R.; Grønn, Audun; Grønvik, Gunnvald; Hammerstrøm, Grete; Holmsen, Amund; Holter, Jon Petter; Jansen, Eilev S.; Kerbeshian, Neva A.; Lund, Arild J.; Nicolaisen, Jon; Nyhagen, Bernt; Nymoen, Ragnar; Solheim, Jon A.; Vedel, Eline; Veggum, Leif; Vikøren, Birger; Weme, Sindre; Qvigstad, Jan F. (Norges Banks Skriftserie;28, Book, 1999)
    • Sentralbankens likviditetspolitikk i en oljeøkonomi 

      Fidjestøl, Asbjørn (Journal article, 2007)
      Gjennom likviditetspolitikken sørger Norges Bank for at bankene til enhver tid har tilstrekkelig store innskudd i Norges Bank. De kortsiktige pengemarkedsrentene vil da bli liggende like over styringsrenten, som er renten ...
    • Sentralbankens oppgave 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Others, 2002)
    • Sentralbankens virkemidler 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Others, 2010)
    • Sentralbankvirksomhetens årsrapport 2018 

      Ukjent forfatter (Årsrapport;2018, Report, 2019)
    • SEPA – standardiserte løsninger for betalingstjenester i Europa 

      Haare, Harald (Journal article, 2008)
      28. januar ble den første felleseuropeiske girotjenesten for kundebetalinger tatt i bruk – en milepæl var dermed nådd i det største IT-relaterte bankprosjektet som sannsynligvis noen gang er gjennomført. I løpet av et par ...
    • Settlement Risk in Foreign Exchange Transactions 

      Bergundhaugen, Jon (Journal article, 2000)
      Each day huge amounts of money are transferred between financial institutions around the world as settlement for foreign exchange (FX) transactions. Owing to time zones and technological limitations, parties to settlement ...
    • The shale oil boom and the U.S. economy: Spillovers and time-varying effects 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Zhulanova, Julia (Working Paper;14/2019, Working paper, 2019)
      We analyze if the transmission of oil price shocks on the U.S. economy has changed with the shale oil boom. To do so, we put forward a framework that allows for spillovers between industries and learning by doing (LBD) ...
    • Shareholder proposals on sustainability 

      Ukjent forfatter (The Asset Manager Perspective;4/2020, Others, 2020)
      Voting on shareholder proposals allows investors to exercise ownership rights by holding the board accountable and steering companies in important decisions. In several markets an increasing number of proposals focus on ...
    • Shareholder voting process 

      Ukjent forfatter (The Asset Manager Perspective;3/2020, Others, 2020)
      Voting at shareholder meetings is a key component in the well-functioning of financial markets and provides important opportunities for investors to exercise ownership rights and hold company boards accountable. For ...