• Covered Interest Parity in long-dated securities 

      Syrstad, Olav (Working Paper;11/2020, Working paper, 2020)
      This paper investigates the validity of Covered Interest Rate Parity (CIP) in longdated fixed income securities. I show that common measures of CIP rely on trading strategies subject to rollover risk and credit risk, or ...
    • CPI-FW : A Frequency Weighted Indicator of Underlying Inflation 

      Simensen, Agnes Marie; Wulfsberg, Fredrik (Economic Commentaries;7/2009, Others, 2009)
      The monthly change in the CPI varies considerably, and the change from one month to the next often provides little indication about the future direction of inflation. In order to be able to form a picture of how much of ...
    • CPIM : A Model-Based Indicator of Underlying Inflation 

      Hov, Marius Nyborg (Economic Commentaries;6/2010, Others, 2010)
      The CPIM is a new indicator of underlying inflation (see the October 2010 Monetary Policy Report). This indicator is based on the predictive power of the sub-indices of the CPI and thus differs somewhat from other indicators ...
    • CPIXE and Projections for Energy Prices 

      Nordbø, Einar W. (Staff Memo;7/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      This paper describes the new indicator of underlying inflation used at Norges Bank, the consumer price index adjusted for tax changes and excluding temporary changes in energy prices (CPIXE). In particular, we discuss the ...
    • CPIXE, a New Indicator of Underlying Inflation 

      Nordbø, Einar W. (Economic Commentaries;3/2008, Others, 2008)
      The operational target of monetary policy is annual consumer price inflation of approximately 2.5 per cent over time. In general, the direct effects on consumer prices resulting from changes in interest rates, taxes, excise ...
    • Credit, Asset Prices and Monetary Policy 

      Brubakk, Leif; Natvik, Gisle James (Staff Memo;13/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      Based on the established literature, we develop a structural model for the Norwegian economy that incorporates feed-backs from asset prices and credit to the real economy. We then use this framework for policy analysis, ...
    • Credit, House Prices, and Risk Taking by Banks in Norway 

      Karapetyan, Artashes (Staff Memo;13/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      Motivated by alternative explanations of the financial crisis (e.g., Acharya and Richardson, 2010; Taylor, 2007), I study, first, repercussions between house price growth and household credit growth in Norway, and second, ...
    • Crisis Resolution and Financial Stability in Norway 

      Bergo, Jarle (Others, 2003)
    • Criteria for an Appropriate Countercyclical Capital Buffer 

      Ukjent forfatter (Norges Bank Papers;1/2013, Report, 2013)
      The objective of the countercyclical capital buffer is to strengthen the resilience of the banking sector to an economic downturn and counter excessive fluctuations in the credit supply that may amplify the economic cycle. ...
    • Criteria for “good” justifications 

      Qvigstad, Jan F.; Schei, Tore (Working papers;6/2018, Working paper, 2018)
      Many institutions in a democratic society wield important power by virtue of the decisions they make. These decisions may concern individuals or have a more general impact on society. It goes without saying today that this ...
    • Critical Realism and Econometrics 

      Bache, Ida Wolden (Working Papers;4/2003, Working paper, 2003)
      In "Economics and Reality" (1997) Tony Lawson advocates a perspective on social reality labelled critical realism. Critical realism maintains that strict regularities between observable events are the exception rather than ...
    • Cross-Boarder Diversification in Bank Asset Portfolios 

      Buch, Claudia M.; Driscoll, John C.; Østergaard, Charlotte (Working Papers;11/2004, Working paper, 2004)
      Taking the mean-variance portfolio model as a benchmark, we compute the optimally diversified portfolio for banks located in France, Germany, the U.K., and the U.S. under different assumptions about currency hedging. We ...
    • CSAs – Regulating Counterparty Risk Through the Use of Collateral Payments 

      Molland, Jermund (Journal article, 2011)
      Counterparty risk associated with trading in financial instruments can be substantial. This applies especially to certain types of derivatives trades with long-dated contracts. The most common way to mitigate this risk for ...
    • Currency Carry Trade 

      Ukjent forfatter (Discussion note;3/2014, Others, 2014)
      The carry trade in currency markets means that an investor buys a high-yielding currency and finances this by borrowing money in a currency with a low interest rate. The empirical literature on the carry trade indicates ...
    • Currency Hedging in Norwegian Non-Financial Firms 

      Børsum, Øystein G.; Ødegaard, Bernt Arne (Journal article, 2005)
      Fluctuations in global foreign exchange markets in recent years have again shown that many Norwegian enterprises are sensitive to changes in exchange rates, in both a positive and negative sense. The question naturally ...
    • Current and Future Financial and Monetary Outlook 

      Bøhn, Harald (Others, 1999)
    • Current Economic and Monetary Policy Issues 

      Storvik, Kjell (Others, 1998)
    • Current Monetary Policy Issues 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Others, 2000)
    • Current Monetary Policy Issues 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Others, 2002)
    • Cyclical Capital Regulation and Dynamic Bank Behaviour 

      Galaasen, Sigurd Mølster; Johansen, Rønnaug Melle (Staff Memo;22/2016, Working paper, 2016)
      In this paper we develop a dynamic model of bank behaviour to study cyclical capital regulation. We study the decision problem of a single bank that chooses its dividend policy and holds a portfolio of long-term loans ...