Blar i Aktuell kommentar / Economic Commentaries på tittel
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Debt-Servicing Capacity of Norwegian Listed Non-Financial Companies
(Economic Commentaries;3/2016, Others, 2016)The debt-servicing capacity of Norwegian non-financial companies listed on Oslo Børs has declined somewhat and is currently lower than the average for the past 14 years. Recently, the oil service sector in particular has ... -
Decomposing Debt Growth
(Economic Commentaries;12/2012, Others, 2012)High debt growth can increase the risk of instability in the financial system. In monitoring financial stability it is therefore important to closely monitor debt accumulation. Norges Bank uses Statistics Norway’s credit ... -
Decomposition of the Increase in Household Debt
(Economic Commentaries;6/2017, Others, 2017)Average debt among Norwegian households has increased substantially over time. A decomposition analysis shows that debt growth to a great extent reflects higher incomes and higher house values. For homeowners, debt growth ... -
Deflasjonsindikator for euroområdet
(Aktuell Kommentar;1/2014, Others, 2014)Prisveksten i euroområdet har falle til eit lågt nivå. Den låge prisveksten har ført til uro for deflasjon. Vi konstruerer ein indikator som skal fange opp om eit land opplever deflasjon. Den viser at euroområdet samla og ... -
Deflation Indicator for the Euro Area
(Economic Commentaries;1/2014, Others, 2014)Euro area inflation has fallen to a low level, which has given rise to concerns about deflation. We have constructed an indicator designed to capture whether a country is in deflation. The indicator shows that the euro ... -
Dekomponering av gjeldsveksten
(Aktuell Kommentar;12/2012, Others, 2012)Sterk vekst i gjeld kan øke risikoen for ustabilitet i det finansielle systemet. I overvåkingen av den finansielle stabiliteten er det derfor viktig å følge gjeldsveksten nøye. Norges Bank benytter Statistisk sentralbyrås ... -
Dekomponering av økningen i husholdningenes gjeld
(Aktuell Kommentar;6/2017, Others, 2017)Gjennomsnittsgjelden blant norske husholdninger har økt betydelig over tid. En dekomponering av gjeldsveksten viser at dette i stor grad gjenspeiler økt inntekt og økte boligverdier. For boligeiere har gjeldsveksten også ... -
Det norske markedet for statspapirer og obligasjoner med fortrinnsrett i lys av nye krav til bankenes likviditetsbuffer
(Aktuell Kommentar;7/2010, Others, 2010)I denne kommentaren ser vi nærmere på norske bankers investeringsalternativer for å oppfylle forslag til nye internasjonale krav til likviditetsbuffer. Endelige anbefalinger om likviditetskrav fra Basel-komiteen ventes i ... -
Developments in Consumer Prices Since 2009
(Economic Commentaries;11/2012, Others, 2012)In 2009, consumer price inflation adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products (CPI-ATE) was 2.6 percent. Inflation has since slowed, hovering around 1 percent for the past two years. The aim of this Economic ... -
Distribution of Household Debt Burden Across Age Groups
(Economic Commentaries;2/2011, Others, 2011)Over the past twenty years, the distribution of debt and wealth has changed across age groups. Older households have more debt than previously, while at the same time holding a greater share of total wealth. Even though ... -
Does High Debt Growth in Upturns Lead to a More Pronounced Fall in Consumption in Downturns?
(Economic Commentaries;8/2016, Others, 2016)The strong accumulation of debt in the period preceding the financial crisis has resulted in a renewed focus on the relationship between debt and household demand in an economic downturn. Studies based on disaggregated ... -
Downturn in the Us – Crisis or Welcome Moderation for the World Economy?
(Economic Commentaries;4/2008, Others, 2008)Problems in the US housing market triggered a surge in volatility in financial markets in 2007. Economic growth in the US has slowed markedly in recent quarters, with growing fears of recession. Given the size of the US ... -
Effects of Higher Oil Prices on the Norwegian Economy
(Economic Commentaries;2/2008, Others, 2008)Oil prices have risen markedly in recent years. An oil price increase affects the Norwegian economy through various different channels. Some sectors will experience increased demand, while others will be affected mainly ... -
Emerging Market Economies – an Ever More Important Driver for the Global Economy
(Economic Commentaries;8/2009, Others, 2009)Growth has picked up again in the emerging market economies (EMEs) of Asia, and especially in China and India. Higher imports in these countries will contribute to higher GDP growth in the rest of the world, partly through ... -
En dekomponering av Nibor
(Aktuell Kommentar;3/2015, Others, 2015)I denne kommentaren diskuteres de ulike elementene som inngår i den norske pengemarkedsrenten, Nibor, gitt dagens valutaswapkonstruksjon. Videre forklares hvordan konstruksjonen gjør at ulike internasjonale forhold kan ... -
En foreløpig stopp i arbeidsinnvandringen?
(Aktuell Kommentar;6/2009, Others, 2009)Etter utvidelsen av EØS i 2004 økte arbeidsinnvandringen til Norge betydelig. Sommeren 2008 hadde nesten 95 000 personer fra de baltiske land og Polen arbeid i Norge. I tillegg kom 60 000 fra nordiske land og 30 000 fra ... -
Endringer i bankreguleringen etter finanskrisen i 2008
(Aktuell Kommentar;5/2017, Others, 2017)Den globale finanskrisen i 2008 utløste omfattende endringer i reguleringen av finansiell sektor. I denne aktuelle kommentaren gjennomgår vi de viktigste endringene i reguleringen av bankene. Bankene har blitt mer solide ... -
Enterprise Downsizing in Norway
(Economic Commentaries;11/2016, Others, 2016)The fall in oil prices has led to a number of workforce reductions in the oil industry and oil-related industries. This commentary sheds light on the downsizing strategies used by Norwegian enterprises and the factors, if ... -
Estimating Forward Nibor Premiums
(Economic Commentaries;5/2012, Others, 2012)Money market premiums show the difference between unsecured money market rates and expected key rates over the same time horizon. The premium expresses the additional return money market participants require for unsecured ... -
Evidence of a Change in Banks’ Lending Practices After the Financial Crisis
(Economic Commentaries;3/2014, Others, 2014)We analyse the behaviour of Norwegian households using tax return data that covers debt, income, financial assets and housing wealth. In the period from 2004 to 2008 borrowing in Norwegian households increased significantly. ...