Browsing Aktuell kommentar / Economic Commentaries by Title
Now showing items 126-145 of 160
Sammenhengen mellom styringsrenten og pengemarkedsrentene
(Aktuell Kommentar;2/2009, Others, 2009) -
Sammenhengen mellom styringsrenten og pengemarkedsrentene : 2007-2012
(Aktuell Kommentar;2/2012, Others, 2012)I denne kommentaren vises det at endringer i styringsrenten har hatt bredt gjennomslag til pengemarkedsrentene i Norge og andre land, og at risikopåslagene i pengemarkedsrentene er uavhengig av endringer i styringsrenten. ... -
Sammenligning av nordiske og norske banker basert på ulike soliditetsmål
(Aktuell Kommentar;9/2012, Others, 2012)Basel II-regelverket åpnet for at banker, etter godkjennelse av nasjonale tilsynsmyndigheter, kunne bruke interne modeller (IRB-modeller) for kapitaldekningsformål. Målsetningen var at kapitaldekningsmålet i bedre grad ... -
Spillovers to Europe from the Crisis in Russia and Ukraine
(Economic Commentaries;6/2014, Others, 2014)The IMF recently pointed to the unrest in Ukraine as a risk to global growth prospects. This article provides a short overview of transmission channels for the effects of the crisis and potential spillovers if the crisis ... -
Sterk vekst i forbrukslån
(Aktuell Kommentar;1/2017, Others, 2017)Forbrukslån har vokst raskt de siste årene. Forbrukslån står for en liten andel av husholdningenes totale lån, men en stor andel av utlånstapene til husholdningssektoren. Ligningstall tyder på at mye av forbrukslånene ... -
Stress Testing in Norges Bank Before and During the Crisis - an Overview
(Economic Commentaries;5/2010, Others, 2010)Stress testing is a central tool in assessing the outlook for and risks to financial stability, and a tool that has received increased attention in connection with the global financial crisis. Since 2004, Norges Bank has ... -
Strong Growth in Consumer Credit
(Economic Commentaries;1/2017, Others, 2017)Consumer credit has grown rapidly in recent years. While consumer credit accounts for a small share of total household debt, it represents a substantial portion of household sector credit losses. Tax assessment data indicate ... -
Structural Liquidity
(Economic Commentaries;9/2013, Others, 2013)Structural liquidity refers to the level of reserves in the banking system prior to market operations by Norges Bank to supply or drain reserves from the banking system. Only the central bank can create reserves. However, ... -
Strukturell likviditet
(Aktuell Kommentar;9/2013, Others, 2013)Strukturell likviditet er nivået på reservene i banksystemet før Norges Bank gjennomfører markedsoperasjoner for å tilføre eller trekke reserver ut av banksystemet. Det er bare sentralbanken som kan skape reserver. Staten, ... -
Svakare vekstpotensial i eurolanda etter krisa
(Aktuell Kommentar;7/2013, Others, 2013)Den globale finanskrisa i 2008 og den påfølgjande statsgjeldskrisa i euroområdet har hatt stor negativ innverknad på økonomisk vekst. Dette har verka direkte inn på Noreg gjennom redusert etterspurnad etter norsk eksport. ... -
Temporary Halt in Labour Migration to Norway?
(Economic Commentaries;6/2009, Others, 2009)Labour migration to Norway increased considerably following EEA enlargement in 2004. In summer 2008, close to 95 000 persons from the Baltic countries and Poland were employed in Norway in addition to 60 000 from Nordic ... -
The Basel I Floor – Transitional Arrangement and Backstop to the Capital Adequacy Framework
(Economic Commentaries;8/2012, Others, 2012)Capital requirements are intended to ensure that banks have a certain amount of capital to absorb unexpected losses. These requirements take into account the riskiness of banks’ various loan exposures. Such risk weighting ... -
The Composition of Norwegian Banks’ Funding and the Effect of Risk Premiums on Bank Lending Rates
(Economic Commentaries;5/2011, Others, 2011) -
The Effect of a Fall in Oil Prices on the Turnover of Norwegian Enterprises
(Economic Commentaries;4/2013, Others, 2013)Norwegian enterprises have increased their sales to the oil and gas industry markedly in recent years. In this article, we take a closer look at the petroleum-related turnover of Norwegian enterprises and the effect of a ... -
The Fall in Oil Prices and the Labour Market
(Economic Commentaries;7/2016, Others, 2016)The fall in oil prices since summer 2014 has dampened economic growth and led to higher unemployment in Norway. There are strong indications that the current decline experienced by oil-related firms in Norway will not be ... -
The G20 and International Economic Cooperation
(Economic Commentaries;4/2012, Others, 2012)The G20 played a pivotal role in responding to the global economic and financial crisis in early 2009. Its collective response in the later phases of the crisis may be said to have been less resolute. In the face of the ... -
The IMF in Change – Loan from Norges Bank
(Economic Commentaries;5/2009, Others, 2009)The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is important in managing international economic and financial crises. In the past year, the IMF has provided crisis-related loans to several countries experiencing balance of payments ... -
The Increasing Role of Emerging Market Economies in Multilateral Financing Arrangements
(Economic Commentaries;5/2015, Others, 2015)The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were established at the end of the Second World War after a conference in Bretton Woods in New Hampshire in the United States. They are often referred to as the ... -
The Norwegian Market for Government Securities and Covered Bonds in View of New Liquidity Buffer Requirements for Banks
(Economic Commentaries;7/2010, Others, 2010)In this commentary we look more closely at Norwegian banks’ investment alternatives for meeting proposed new international liquidity buffer requirements. The Basel Committee’s final recommendations for liquidity standards ... -
The Petroleum Fund Mechanism and Associated Foreign Exchange Transactions by Norges Bank
(Economic Commentaries;2/2014, Others, 2014)The Norwegian government receives substantial revenues from petroleum activities, both as revenues in NOK from oil taxes and revenues in foreign currency from the government’s own petroleum activities via the State’s Direct ...