Now showing items 420-439 of 473

    • The Effects of Trade Liberalisation on Clothing Prices and on Overall Consumer Price Inflation 

      Høegh-Omdal, Kristine; Wilhelmsen, Bjørn-Roger (Journal article, 2002)
      Clothing prices, as measured in the consumer price index, are about 15 per cent lower today than they were in 1995. This fall in prices has contributed to curbing overall consumer price inflation. Developments in clothing ...
    • The IMF's Stress Testing of the Norwegian Financial Sector 

      Hagen, Jan; Nordal, Kjell Bjørn; Steffensen, Emil (Journal article, 2005)
      Following a thorough examination of the Norwegian financial system, the IMF concluded in summer 2005 that the system is sound and well managed. Shorter-term vulnerabilities are low. This conclusion is based partly on the ...
    • The Macroprudential Approach to Financial Stability 

      Gjedrem, Svein (Journal article, 2005)
      Introduction: Financial stability has become an increasingly important objective in economic policymaking during recent decades. In the 1980s, direct regulation of credit markets and capital flows was dismantled in many ...
    • The Neutral Real Interest Rate 

      Bernhardsen, Tom; Gerdrup, Karsten R. (Journal article, 2007)
      The concept “neutral real interest rate” is generally associated with the real interest rate level, which implies that monetary policy is neither expansionary nor contractionary. We define the neutral real interest rate ...
    • The Output Gap in Norway - a Comparison of Different Methods 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Brubakk, Leif; Jore, Anne Sofie (Journal article, 2005)
      Are pressures in the economy strong or subdued? The answer to this question is important to a central bank operating an inflation-targeting monetary policy regime, because the degree of pressure in the economy can provide ...
    • The Reliability of Today's Financial Macroindicators 

      Bø, Olav; Røstadsand, Jon Ivar; Tørum, Espen (Journal article, 2003)
      Norges Bank’s key rate (sight deposit rate) is set on the basis of information concerning developments in a number of economic and financial variables. In order to provide the optimal basis for monetary policy decisions, ...
    • The Risk Associated with Banks` Foreign Borrowing 

      Gerdrup, Karsten R.; Lund, Arild J.; Weme, Sindre (Journal article, 2000)
      Since 1995 banks’ foreign borrowing has increased sharply, matching the growth recorded in the mid-1980s. Measured in relation to banks’ total loans, foreign funding is smaller now than at that time. As was the case in the ...
    • The Role of Assessments and Judgement in the Macroeconomic Model RIMINI 

      Olsen, Kjetil; Wulfsberg, Fredrik (Journal article, 2001)
      The Inflation Report’s projections for economic developments are important for Norges Bank’s conduct of monetary policy. The macroeconomic model RIMINI is used as a tool in developing these projections. This article provides ...
    • The Significance of Uncertainty in Monetary Policy 

      Frøyland, Espen; Lønning, Ingunn (Journal article, 2000)
      Observations seem to indicate that central banks adjust their key rates gradually. Uncertainty regarding economic relationships and measurement errors in the data may point to a need for key rates to be adjusted gradually. ...
    • Tilbakeblikk på 20 år med ny sentralbanklov 

      Skånland, Hermod (Journal article, 2005)
      Sentralbankloven av 1985 hadde som utgangspunkt en pengepolitikk preget av direkte reguleringer og politisk fastsettelse av renten. Etter at Norges Bank senere ble overlatt å bruke renten i forsvaret av kronekursen, var ...
    • Tilbakeblikk på innføringen av priser i norsk betalingsformidling 

      Enge, Asbjørn; Øwre, Grete (Journal article, 2006)
      Direkte priser på betalingstjenester er relativt uvanlig i internasjonal sammenheng. I løpet av 1980-tallet ble slik prising innført i norske banker etter at det lenge hadde vært et tema for debatt. Artikkelen redegjør for ...
    • Tilfredsstiller norske betalingssystemer de nye BIS-anbefalingene? 

      Watne, Kjetil (Journal article, 2001)
      Sentralbanker har lenge vært opptatt av risikoen i betalingssystemene. Man har fryktet at systemene er organisert slik at finansielle problemer hos en deltakene bank kan overføres gjennom systemene til andre deltakere, og ...
    • Trade-Offs in Monetary Policy 

      Svendsen, Ingvild; Røisland, Øistein; Olsen, Kjetil (Journal article, 2004)
      Flexible inflation targeting implies that the central bank must in the short term strike a balance between price stability and stability in the real economy. With some types of disturbance, for example a demand shock, there ...
    • Transparency and Central Bank Communication 

      Qvigstad, Jan F. (Journal article, 2008)
    • Transparency and Predictability in Monetary Policy 

      Bernhardsen, Tom; Kloster, Arne (Journal article, 2002)
      By being open about its policy response pattern, the central bank allows economic agents to understand the implementation of monetary policy. They will then be able to anticipate the central bank's interest rate decisions ...
    • Treng vi ein norsk børs? 

      Grønvik, Gunnvald (Journal article, 2006)
      Effektive verdipapirmarknader gir viktige bidrag til verdiskapinga i samfunnet, og artikkelen kommenterer den særskilde rolla til børsen. Eit aktuelt spørsmål for Noreg er om nasjonal eigarskap av børsen er naudsynt for å ...
    • Truer hedgefond den finansielle stabilitet? 

      Axelsen, Kristine Andenæs (1999;, Journal article, 1999)
      Det har i den senere tid vært mye fokus på såkalte hedgefond og deres innvirkning på de finansielle markedene. De er kjent for å gjøre investeringer med høy risiko, bruke mange typer finansielle instrumenter og være ...
    • Undersøkelse av valuta- og derivatmarkedene i 2004: Sterk vekst i det norske rentederivatmarkedet 

      Wettre, Sigbjørn; Borgersen, Anders Bohlin (Journal article, 2005)
      I forbindelse med en internasjonal undersøkelse i regi av Bank for International Settlements (BIS) målte Norges Bank aktiviteten i det norske valuta- og derivatmarkedet i april 2004. Omsetningen av rentederivater økte ...
    • Upgrading and Outsourcing Norges Bank’s Settlement System 

      Solheim, Jon A.; Strømme, Helge (Journal article, 2004)
      In recent years, Norges Bank has focused more strongly on its core activities as a central bank, and this has also had a bearing on its activities related to the payment system. In this article, we will review recent years’ ...